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Santa Clara, California

The sun beamed directly on Aurora's body as she harshly let out breaths and lifted her hands to the top of her head. She didn't understand why she thought it'd be a fun idea to work out with Jameer this morning but here she was. They had woke up at 6:30 a.m. and Jameer decided they were going to do their first workout together at his place. Aurora was excited on the way there but instantly dreaded it when they arrived to see his personal trainer.

Marshawn, his trainer since he'd been in the league, had laid out eight workouts for them to do throughout the morning and while Aurora had pretty good stamina, it was beating her ass. They were only on the 5th workout which consisted of lower body exercises and she was sure she wouldn't make it to the end.

"No more breaks, baby!" Jameer shouted from across his backyard as he looked over at her.

"Jameer, please!" she begged.

Marshawn chuckled at the woman he had just met for the first time and cut the music to grant her a break. She had been keeping up with the football intended workouts pretty well which was more than he thought.

"Ten minutes." Marshawn shouted, going to sit in the chairs Jameer set up under the awning.

Aurora happily clapped before walking over to the shaded area of his backyard and plopping down in the grass, trying to catch her breath. Jameer chuckled as he came and sat down next to her with a water bottle.

"Here, Ro." he said, holding out the water bottle. Aurora sat up and mirrored his position before gulping down half the water bottle.

"I'm never doing this again, Jameer." she panted, laying back down in the grass.

"You will. You're only gonna get better the more you do it, baby. How about we do these once a week together?" he asked, turning to look back at her.

"I'll think about it." she mumbled.

Aurora laid with her eyes closed as she got her breathing down to semi-normal before they started back working. She was never going this long without being in the gym again and she was glad she had Jameer here to hold her accountable.

"I love you." Jameer said with a smile. Aurora opened one eye to peek at him as a smile grew on her face.

Ever since they both shared their feelings last night, Jameer hadn't stopped saying the three words Aurora couldn't get enough of. She thought she'd wake up and it'd all be a dream but when she opened her eyes to see Jameer already staring into her own, she couldn't contain her excitement. She had spent all morning leaving kisses anywhere she could on his body which he didn't mind whatsoever.

"I love you too." she grinned, sitting up to leave a kiss on his cheek.

"Tonight, I'm taking you out. I don't even care if we're seen, we can talk to Kyle tomorrow about it if it's an issue. I don't feel like walking on eggshells with you anymore." he sighed, reaching down to intertwine their hands.

"Jameer, let's slow down. We don't know what his reaction is gonna be to us being together. We know we've been together way before this job came into the picture but will he see it that way? Plus, your whole management team has to know. I don't want you to just jump into anything because of how you feel right now." she told him, resting her chin on his arm.

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