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November 15th
Jameer's Birthday

Aurora shut her alarm off as she slowly climbed out of her bed. The sun had hardly shown its face yet and she was already awake which she despised wholeheartedly. Her day was about to start and all she wanted was her boyfriend to be waking up next to her but she'd have to see how tonight goes.

Yesterday was full of tears and rethinking how their argument went down, on both sides. Jameer was angry that she would believe he was cheating and Aurora was upset at the outcome of the argument. She still felt she was valid in asking what she did because who wants to hear rumors of their significant other cheating on them, true or not.

She went to lunch with her family yesterday and it truly cemented how much she needed them in her life at every turn. Being around them and talking to them about mundane things brightened her day and made everything else seem so small. As she spent time with them, the paper with Hakeem's info wouldn't leave her head.

It was what she stared at as she brushed her teeth. Her eyes read over the phone number repeatedly before spitting out water. She did start to feel as if her family was right and reaching out wouldn't hurt.

"Do we or do we not?" she mumbled.

Instead of doing anything with it, she put it in her robe pocket and walked back into her room to grab her phone. It wouldn't feel right if she waited until tonight to tell her boyfriend happy birthday so she decided to call him instead.

"Hello?" he answered, voice deeper than usual. She softly smiled at waking him up and probably being the first one to wish him happy birthday.

"Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to the love of my life. Happy birthday to you. I love you, Meer." she grinned.

Jameer chuckled as he got up and stretched his body. He glanced over at his clock in the dark room and could see it had barely hit 7am.

"Thank you, Ro. I love you." he told her.

Aurora knew things weren't anywhere near normal between them but she was so happy to hear his voice and his laugh on his birthday that nothing mattered. She had a busy day ahead of getting everything together for his party tonight so she didn't want to make the phone call long.

"I just wanted to be the first one to tell you happy birthday and how much I love you. I hope this next year of your life is the best one yet. I don't want to say too much because you'll hear everything tonight but I really, truly love you, Meer." she smiled.

"And I love you more, baby. Thank you for making me happy." Jameer answered.

"I'm not gonna hold you up too long because I have to get my day started but have a good practice and I'll see you tonight, okay?" she told him, absentmindedly bringing her hand to her stomach.

"I will, Ro. Don't wear yourself out either." he said.

Aurora ended the call and let out a sigh. She hoped everything would come out exactly how she wanted and it was up to her to make sure it did. As she sat her phone down, she caught herself in her mirror and lifted her shirt giddily.

"Your big appointment is tomorrow!" she whisper-yelled.

In the midst of everything that was yesterday, she still was over the moon ecstatic about being pregnant. She couldn't wait to tell Jameer at his party tonight.

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