
159 11 2

Friday, June 24th 2022
Orlando, Florida

Small, round eyes stared up into Aurora's own with a blank expression that Aurora couldn't stop fawning over. The shade of brown in his eyes were almost identical to Darius if it weren't for the hue of light green you could only see in the light.

"You're so precious, Kamari." Aurora cooed, reaching to pick him up.

"I still don't understand how he never cries with you. It ain't fair." Erica pouted, crossing her arms as she watched them.

Aurora smiled towards her before looking back at her nephew. She just couldn't get over how adorable he was. Her camera roll had been nothing but him for the last week and she wasn't complaining whatsoever. She was glad to be around Darius and his family for a breath of fresh air after the hell she'd been through.

"I just got that special touch. He knows his auntie is gonna be his favorite person, that's all." she joked.

Kamari continued to stare at the woman who he had seen everyday this week with a blank expression before he reached his hand out to sit it on her cheek.

"Yes, baby? You like auntie Ro, don't you? Auntie Ro loves you." she smiled, kissing his cheeks repeatedly.

"Alright, put my son down and let's go. You in this nursery every single day, girl." they heard Darius announce himself.

Aurora looked over at him with a playful glare before sticking out her tongue. Darius walked inside the room to greet Erica with a kiss and to grab his son from Aurora.

"Hey, big boy. Auntie Ro won't leave you alone, huh?" he asked. Kamari simply stared at him then opened his mouth which him and Erica knew what that stood for.

"Mommy's gonna lose all her milk for you, Kamari." Erica joked as she took their son into their bedroom to breastfeed him.

"D, he's literally an angel. I'm so happy for y'all." she said, grinning towards him as they walked out to the living room.

"Thank you, lil bit. I still can't believe I'm a dad. Who would've thought I'd have a son? This life shit so crazy." he sighed.

Aurora smiled at him as she thought about how far Darius had came in life and how much more he was going to do. She was so proud of him, she didn't know how to put it into words.

"Here's the keys, let me go say bye to my wife." he told her, tossing his truck keys in her hand.

"And when are you gonna get moving on that?" she asked, referencing the engagement he's been putting off for weeks.

"Mind ya business!" he shouted down the hallway. Aurora chuckled as she went outside to start his black Ford truck.

Just as she got into the passenger seat to wait on Darius, she got a FaceTime from Ximena.

"Because how long does it actually take y'all to move?" Ximena huffed as soon as the phone connected. Aurora rolled her eyes before smiling at her friend.

"Girl, slow ya damn horses. We're leaving now." she told her impatient friend.

The three friends were all heading to lunch as their group outing for the month. Aurora decided she was going to do a group activity with the two as much as she could until she left for San Francisco. She was going to miss these two people so much, she was almost scared to get used to not being able to drive to them.

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