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Monday, April 4th 2022
San Francisco, California

Aurora was on her last full day with Jameer and she was beyond sad. She did not want to go back to Florida without him and he didn't want her to leave either. The last three days meant something special to both of them and they recognized that. They had thoroughly enjoyed each other and had gotten used to being up under each other.

Today, they were going to one of Jameer's close friends BBQ/cookout at their house. At first, she was really hesitant on going because she was about to meet completely new people that were important to him and she didn't know how to feel about it.

Jameer assured her that everything would be fine and that his friends are the coolest people. He found himself reassuring her as they sat in the car in front of the packed out driveway full of luxury cars which made Aurora even more nervous that all of his football friends would be here too. They were but she didn't need to know that right now.

"Ro, will you relax? You are fine. The outfit is fine. My friends aren't intimidating and they damn sure aren't mean. You'll be fine." he told her, locking their pinkies together. She glanced down at their fingers before looking up at him when they both brought their hand up to kiss either side of their pinky.

"My heart is beating so fast." she breathed, untangling their fingers as Jameer got out to go open her door.

"Calm down, Ro. I won't leave you alone that much. I think you'll like all of the girls, though." he assured her, closing the door now that she stood next to him. She looked at them through his tinted window, smiling.

"You did your big one today."

Jameer took on the role of picking out their outfits this afternoon and Aurora found herself actually loving how they looked

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Jameer took on the role of picking out their outfits this afternoon and Aurora found herself actually loving how they looked. She kept fussing that the dress was too much for this kind of occasion but he dismissed her and told her she had no choice.

"Yeah, I know. You look good, Ro." he complimented her, watching her turn to smile at him.

"Thank you, Jameer. Do I even have to tell you how handsome you look or are you gonna get cocky again?" she teased.

"No, let me hear it. I don't think the 6 times you told me was enough." he laughed, resting his hand on her waist as they began walking up to the front door. They could hear old school music coming from the house which Aurora loved. She hadn't been to a cookout in years.

"I told this nigga I was here." Jameer sighed as he pulled out his phone. Aurora held her arm around his waist as he called Calvin to hurry up and come to the front.

"I know you saw my text, goofy. Bring yo ass up here." he spoke into the phone. Aurora felt his chest vibrate as he laughed at what his friend said before hanging up.

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