Chapter 4

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Carter's POV

I don't think she remembers. At least she doesn't act it. There's no way.

"Hey what dimension did you go to?" Bre asks and I snap out of my thoughts.

I clean the shot glass and pour a new one and hand it to the customer. The loud music in the club doesn't bother me anymore.

"Sorry I was thinking what did you say?"

"You slept with our professor?"

The club is packed tonight so I'm trying to talk and make drinks at the same time.

"I think. I don't know."

Bre frowns, "How do you not know?"

"It was right around the time I got my diagnosis, I was drinking a lot and I was sleeping around a lot."

"You're still sleeping around a lot." She cuts me off.

I roll my eyes and make four more drinks passing them to customers and then bring my attention back to her.

"The point is I remember parts of that night."

"Why do you particularly remember her? I mean you have sex a lot and you don't even care to ask their names."

"It was different."

Her eyes brighten up, "She left you."


"You woke up and she wasn't there. You're usually the one to leave but this time someone left you."

I look away from her because she's right. I remember glimpses of that night but even with little memory the night was just different. She was different.

I can't believe she doesn't remember me though. I have a good excuse but she was the first to leave which means she for sure got a good look at me.

"Carter you would not believe this."

I look at her again and she's pointing to the entrance of the club. My mouth falls open when I see professor Valdez walk in with two girls.

I immediately look at Joe who's on the other side of the bar, "Hey do you see those three people?"

He walks up to me, "Yeah, what about them?"

"You're serving them."

He looks at them and looks back at me, "I can't I have a lot of people on my side already."

"Please." I beg.

"Sorry Carter I can't right now. At least make their first drink and I'll try to come over."

I smile, "Okay thank you."

I walk back to Bre and she laughs, "I'm gonna go dance if you need me just shout."

She leaves before I can respond to her. How exactly is she going to hear me even if I do shout.

I don't have time to think about it because I see Professor Valdez and her friends sit by the bar. She hasn't seen me yet so I take a deep breath and move towards her.

The second our eyes move her mouth slightly twitches but her facial expressions don't give anything away.

"What can I get you guys?"

"Ms.Woods what are you doing here?" She asks. The two women's eyes widen and they look at the professor and me curiously.

I smile, "Carter please and I work here." Her green eyes are so intense but I can't look away.

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