Chapter 29

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Riley's POV

"This is not a good idea." I tell my friends as we're driving to my uncles house. It's been a week since I saw Carter. I'm back in Italy since everything happened.

She called a few days ago and said Kai Xavier and her mom wanted a meeting. A dinner. So I had to reach out to my uncle, something I never wanted to do. They're all flying here.

This is gonna be my first time seeing him since he killed my sister.

"Their whole family is coming I don't think Kai Xavier would start anything with her wife right next to her." Nadia says.

Maybe she's right but I still can't help but worry about Carter.

We get to the house and pass through the gates and security, then the three of us get out. I didn't bring Maya I was scared because he would take her from me.

"Let's just wait outside for the Xavier's. I don't want to see my uncle without them being here."

They nod their head and so we wait. Italy is not my territory it's theirs. So they know the ins and out of this place.

It doesn't take long for me to hear noises but it doesn't sound like a car. It sounds like a motorcycle.

My jaw drops when I see Carter riding in with a black motorcycle. She has a beautiful light blue dress on. She has a helmet on so I can't see her face but I know it's her.

She parks her motorcycle and takes off her helmet and ruffles her hair.

"So umm if you can't have her can I?" Nadia asks and I glare at her.

Carter's heels click against the pavement as she's making her way to me. I still can't wrap my head around what she said to me the last time she saw me.

Maya is a match for her heart.

"Where's the rest of the family?" I ask when she reaches me.

"Maybe 5 minutes behind me. I wanted to get here first to talk to you."

I point at the bike, "Since when do you have a motorcycle?"

"That used to be Sofia's. Olivia doesn't let her use it anymore so it's been in our garage for a while."

I look at my friends and they have stepped away to give us privacy.

Carter steps a little closer to me, "I don't know how we're gonna make this work. You're the enemy."

"Yeah you said that before and I heard you." I let the pettiness come out even though my body is longing for her touch.

Her eyes flash with a mix of frustration, "I'm just being realistic Riley."

I can't resist the urge anymore and grab her waist to bring her closer to me and she lets me, "Are you saying villains can't fall in love?"

"I'm saying I don't know how to navigate this without getting more people hurt." Carter's voice wavers slightly as she looks up at me, her eyes filled with a mix of uncertainty and determination.

I take a deep breath, trying to steady my racing heart. "We don't have to have all the answers right now. We just need to take it one step at a time."

She sighs, leaning into my touch. "I know. It's just... this is so complicated, Riley. What if...what if I die?"

I brush a strand of hair behind her ear. "You're not going to die Mi Vida. Life is complicated. But I'd rather face it with you than without you."

"Will you be there for me even if I'm not so well in the near future." She asks showing all her insecurities and fears.

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