Chapter 14

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Riley's POV

I walk in to the loud club in causal clothes. I had tests to grade so I didn't have time to put on anything fancy. It's Friday night around 8 so it's really busy in here.

I look towards the bar and my eyes immediately land on Carter. Her dark brown hair is in a bun. She does actually have some strands of blonde though.

Carter is effortlessly moving around the bar making people's drinks. Her head never moves up. She listens to what people order and keeps her head down while making them.

I make my way through people's sweaty bodies and go by the bar and sit down. Carter is too busy stocking the drinks to notice me so I take this second to admire her.

Oh how I wish I hadn't left that morning. I feel bad for sleeping with her and just leaving her. I should probably tell her soon that I know we've slept together before.

If I hadn't left who knows what could have happened. I know that night felt different for the both of us so maybe she would have wanted something more. At least it seems like she's not only after sex right now.

The other bartender calls her name and she finally looks up. The second she does our eyes meet and a smile creeps onto her face. She doesn't even pay attention to the guy that just called her she makes her way towards me.

"Hey you, how long have you been here?" She asks when she reaches me.

I lean over the counter so I'm a little closer to her, "Just got here."

"Sorry I wasn't looking around."

I smile, "It's okay. I didn't want to bother you."

Carter takes off her apron and comes around the bar and reaches her hand out, "You're not bothering me. Come on let's go I have something to show you."

I grab her hand and intertwine our fingers. She starts dragging me away and I look back at the bar confused.

"Don't you have to keep working?"

"No I saved two 10 minute breaks so I have twenty minutes with you."

I laugh, "I don't think that's how it works."

"Yes it is." She keeps dragging me and we round a hallway. She takes me upstairs and the music gets quieter.

"What's your favorite ice cream?" Carter asks as she swings our hands.

"Mint Chocolate chip."

She stops in her tracks, "Oh you're one of those people."

I frown, "What do you mean?"

Carter laughs and starts walking again, "If eating toothpaste makes you happy then who am I to judge."

"It's not toothpaste." I tell her but she doesn't listen. She takes us to a room that looks like an office and makes me sit down on the couch.

Then she walks to a mini refrigerator and opens it causing me to gasp, "Whoa that's a lot of ice cream."

"I didn't know your favorite so I got all the flavors." She reaches in and grabs two.

"You didn't have to Carter, aren't you supposed to be paying that kid for the damages? Don't waste your money."

She walks back and sits next to me, "It's not wasting when it's about you."

She hands me my ice cream and a spoon. I look at the flavor she got and give her a confused look, "Why are you having the same flavor as me?"

Carter puts a spoonful in her mouth and swallows, "Whatever you want I want too if it makes you happy."

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