Chapter 21

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Carter's POV

"Calm down Carter." Garrett tells me and reaches for the gun but I don't let him have it.

"She's just a kid."

He shrugs, "Either way I have to tell your mom."

I shake my head, "I don't think you're understanding what I'm saying. She's a fucking kid. You're not going anywhere near her."

"This is what we've been waiting for Carter." He says slightly agitated. There it is that hunger.

I feel my blood boiling, "Why would you even run a test like that. What's wrong with you?"

"We've been on the lookout with everyone."

"Was my professor there? Did you meet her?"

He shakes his head no, "I just got here I didn't see her."

I don't care that I'm gonna die without a heart transplant. I'm not letting anyone go near Maya. There's no telling what my family will do if they find out there's a heart.

"Do you seriously think I could live with myself if we somehow got that little girls heart. I love her." I raise my voice at him.

He looks confused, "You don't like kids."

"Well I like her." I put my hand over my heart taking several breaths.

Garrett takes this opportunity and grabs the gun, "I'm so sorry Carter but I have to tell her."

"What are you gonna do huh? Kill a child?" I yell at him.

"You're dying." He slightly raises his voice.

"With my last heartbeat I will stop you from going anywhere near Maya."

Anger flashes through his eyes, "What don't you understand. This family will go through hell and back to save each other."

I get up from the bed and stand right in front of him, "But sometimes saving each other means letting go."

"I'm not letting you go."

I grab the collar of his shirt and clutch it, "Letting go doesn't mean we stop caring; it means we honor the love we have by accepting what's beyond our control."

Garrett's jaw tightens, his frustration boiling over. "You think you know what's best for everyone, huh? Well, you don't. You're just running away because you're scared to fight."

I let go of his shirt and step back lowering my tone, "I'm not running away, Garrett. I'm choosing to protect what's left of our humanity. And if you can't see that, then maybe you're the one who's scared."

"I'm not gonna do this with you." He says and moves away.

"You owe me for saving your life in Italy." I tell him as he's opening the door. He stops his movements.

"Don't Carter."

"I'm cashing that favor in. You won't tell a soul about this and do not go near that girl."

His fist on the door nob goes white because of how hard he is clutching it.

"Is that all?" He forcibly asks.

"She's a child Gary. A child. Just try to remember that." He doesn't say anything else and closes the door.

I cover my eyes with my hands trying to hold back the tears. We've been waiting for a heart for so long but it doesn't matter I won't let anyone go near Maya.

I'm so mad that they even ran a test like that. She's just a little girl.

I uncover my eyes and reach for my phone calling Riley I just need to hear her voice. She answers on the first ring, "Mi Vida are you okay? What happened?" She asks worried.

I chuckle, "Wow someone's worried."

"What's wrong please talk to me." She sounds sad so I stop joking around.

"I'm sorry Ry I forgot to take my medication."

"I got so scared."

"I know I know I'm sorry."

She sighs, "From now on when you're with me I'm holding on to your medicine."

"That sound good. How's Maya?" I ask hesitantly.

"Hi Carter." I hear her cute voice and again I feel the tears building up.

"Sorry you were on speaker she was hearing you the whole time."

"It's okay. I have to go now I'll see you later."

"Please take of yourself." Riley says with a worried tone.

"I will." I hung up the phone and throw it on the bed.

I look around for my clothes and see them on a chair. I quickly change and grab my phone. I slowly open the door and peak around. I see my parents in the distance so I tiptoe slowly down the other hallway.

I touch my pocket and feel Mama's car keys. I may have took them from her jacket while she was too busy hugging me.

I need to get out of here. I need to drive. I make my way out of the hospital and find her Porsche.

Before I reach the car from the corner of my eye I see a shadow. I turn around but there's no one there.

I keep walking but I have this feeling someone's following me. Mama always says to always trust our instincts, someone's definitely following me.

Aunt Kai always says shoot and ask questions later but I honestly don't have the energy in me to fight. If they want to follow me they can for sure try.

With Mama's keys in my hand, I slide into the driver's seat of her Porsche, feeling a surge of excitement mixed with dread. As I rev the engine, I catch sight of a shadowy figure lurking nearby.

Ignoring the prickling sensation on the back of my neck, I hit the gas, the Porsche's engine roaring to life. Sure enough, I glance in the rearview mirror and see headlights flicker on in the distance.

My foot presses down harder on the gas pedal as I whip through the streets, adrenaline pumping through my veins. I try to navigate sharp turns and narrow alleys, the sound of screeching tires echos in the night.

I grit my teeth, pushing the Porsche to its limits as I try to lose them in the maze of streets.

I smile. This is how I feel alive. Feeling the air hitting my face, feeling my heart pounding but not because I'm dying because of adrenaline going through me.

I take sharp turns and race down side streets and when I look back I don't see the car anymore.

When I make sure I've lost them. I don't know what takes over but I immediately drive to Riley's house and pull over.

I get out the car and take a deep breath. I shouldn't knock it's too late. But I can't get rid of this adrenaline.

I go up the stairs and knock waiting for her to open the door. It takes a while so I'm about to give up and leave but the door swings open.

Riley's eyes widen, "Carter what are you doing here? Shouldn't you still be at the hospital?"

"Shhh you talk too much."

"Excuse m-" I cut her off and grab her face and crash my lips onto hers.

It doesn't take long for her to respond to the kiss and pull me closer to her.

"I need you." I whisper against her lips causing her to tighten her hold on me.

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