Sleepless in Seattle (STILES POV)

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I've been sitting in this restaurant for like an hour! Sure im with the pack, but nothing super entertaining has  happened- scotts pining over Allison whos off serving another table- Lydia's trying to talk to me about another designer handbag that she got. Kira and Isaac are talking.

I start glancing around the room trying to find an escape route. Suddenly i see a blonde haired boy fall to the floor. The hell? I get up almost instantly, about to run to the boy, but when i stand up, i get super dizzy all of a sudden-

Suddenly im not in the restaurant anymore- im in this.. This.. dystopian looking work crouching down next to... the boy that just passes out? If its not him it definitely looks similar.. Except..

He looked like shit.. Greyish black veins running up his  arms and neck, black sags under his eyes, breathless, messy hair, some sort of black saliva oozing out the corners of  his mouth..

I was trying to keep him awake and not drift off into the abyss he was about to be in, he  was starting to get aggressive.. Forcing me  to take this... this.. Necklace that he had. It was like a small capsule. "Please..... Please... Tommy... Please.." he stated before almost blacking out, I took the pendant and then kept trying to wake him up

Eventually I  succeeded and helped him walk, then he fell.. he got up, but it was like a whole knew him, Almost the entirety of his deep brown  eyes had gone black, he started to fight, trying to kill the me-

Then I heard him say "please... Tommy, if- if you have ever.. Been my friend... Kill me.." as he held a gun up against his head, Why the fuck does he keep calling me tommy! My name was Stiles... wasnt it?

I  kept screaming No, that I  wouldn't kill him, and kicked the gun right out of his hand- , He then   ran to me... with a knife.... I thought that it was pointed at me..though In reality.. It was pointed at him... he stabbed himself-

I saw myself crouching over him- sobbing- screaming things like "Newt! No!" and "Stay with me Newtie! Newt!" Was that his name? Newt?

Then i was back in the restaurant, i woke up too see scott and lydia looking at me, while the rest of them where over by the other kid- Newt? We woke up at the same time- that was odd- "Newt?' I said breathlessly.. I thought that nobody could hear me but i guess i was wrong. "What?" Scott and lydia said at the same time, then they looked at each other, they both said "Creepy" mumbling, then they looked at each other again. "Jinx!" at the same time, "Jinx again!" they said for the second time- "STOP DOING THAT!!" They yelled at each other and then regained focus on me.

"What happened?" Lydia asked. "I... i dont know.. I was in this like.. Alternate universe.. Or memory.. Or something.. It was weird.. I.. i probably just need sleep.. Im gonna get going.." i said, getting up and walking outside to get some air-

I walked to my jeep, praying for it to start- it usually doesnt- but clearly someone heard my prayer because it started right away and I was on my way home. My house was only a few blocks down the road so i didnt worry to much about having a panic attack while driving- that is- untill i saw someone following me.

I pulled into my driveway and jumped out of the jeep waiting to see if the car stopped. And it did- it pulled into the neighbores driveway. A girl hopped out of the drivers side and walked to the other side, opening the door- no way- wait is that- thats him- thats the other guy that passed out, and he did not look good... the girl- his sister, im assuming, by the similarity in looks, held his arm around her neck, and struggled to open the door, walking inside.

I was baffled at the fact that the person that was in the dream-memory thing i had when i was at the caffe, lives right next door to me. I mean, i knew that someone knew was moving in, but i didnt know who- or that they were my age- I walked into my house, put a ton of snacks in a bowl and then plopped down on the couch turning on my confort movie- Sleeples in Seattle- i know it sounds kinda girly- but it never seaces to amaze me- how they fell in love all because she wrote a letter-so beautiful-

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