We fell in love in october (NEWT AND STILES POV)

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Newt POV

I wake up to an alarm on my phone. The song "serotonin" by Girl in red is what wakes me up every morning. I've grown to enjoy somoe of their songs because Sonya is always blasting them from her room and refuses to turn it down. Its never really really a problem though- I mean- dont get me wrong, it used to be, it would start screaming matches because i hated all of the stuff she would listen to, but i guess living with her for so long and having to put up with it made me enjoy it a little bit more.

I got out of bed while rubbing my eyes. I looked out the window to see the sun was just barely rising. I quickly threw on some pajama pants before heading onto the roof with my phone to watch it rise.

I started playing the song "We fell in love in october" by Girl in red- it was one of my favorites.

The sun started rising bit by bit, and it was beautiful. I could tell that this would become an everyday occurrence for me. I started looking around, breathing in the morning air that smelt of rain from the previous night. In fact I could still see puddles.

Though I loved the rain, there was only one thing that had me generally interested- there was a boy, he was sitting on the roof also, of his house of course, and he had headphones on, I wonder what he was listening too. I quickly began to notice that it had started raining, and watched the boy crawl inside his window. Wait.. that wasnt just any boy.. That was Stiles.. Or Tommy...

With that thought I crawled back into my window and begun getting ready for school. First day. I guess we'll see how this goes..

Stiles POV

I slowly opened my eyes to the sound of my alarm, the song Astonomy by Conan Gray was my alarm i groaned, pressing the off button on my alarm, and checking my phone. I looked at the time. 5:36. At least its early enough to see the sunrise. Whenever i wake up early I usually try to sneak in a morning view of the sunrise off of my roof. This neighborhood gets the best view.

I figure i have enough time to change later so I grab my headphones and craw out my window in just my pajama pants ready to watch the sunrise. Its beautiful. I carefully put my headphones on, and right as the song "Sign of the Times" by Harry styles ends, The song "We fell in love in october" came on. Its one of my all time favorites. But i would have to say that my favorite song by Girl in Red, is Serotonin.

As I watch the sun slowly peeking up into the pinkish purple sky i feel raindrops start to trickle on my skin. By the time i'm ready to crawl back inside, i'm already soaking wet. I love the smell of rain. As i crawl through my window, I notice the boy from last night also sitting and watching the sunrise. Huh- maybe we have more in common then i thought- or maybe it was just a coincidence and he likes watching sunrises just like every other person on the planet.

I get inside and get ready for school. I see my dad in the driveway, on his way to work, probably. I dash downstairs and say goodbye to him before hopping in my jeep and driving to school.

Newts POV

I called Sonya downstairs and we got in the car, ready to go to school.


We arrived and both got out of the car, I spotted Allison over by the gates. She waved me over, so i grabbed sonya's wrist and walked her to them.

"Okay everyone, this is Newt, and his little sister Sonya. Newt, Sonya, this is.. Scott, Stiles, Malia, Kira, Isaac, Lydia, and... Liam." Allison stated, pointing as she went.

"Hey" i said with a smile wave. Everyone mumbled versions of hey, Hi, and Hello, Sonya almost immediately walked over to the blonde- i believe his name was Isaac? She was talking about him at the restaurant last night. I walked over to Stiles and said "We're neighbores- if I got that correct" I said, holding out my hand for him to shake.

He took my hand and shook it saying "I think so, yeah. Hey by any chance, were you on your roof watching the sunrise this morning?" He asked.

"Yes, actually, I was.. I find it quite calming, and up there I get the best view-" I replied

"Yeah,yeah, me too. My roof has a great view. I was.. Up there too. On my roof of course.. Not yours.. Cause that would be creep- anyway, yeah, i was watching it too, its nice. Stress relieving-" He said stuttering through some of it. I found it quite adorable actually-

"Yeah, I- uh, i think i saw you, crawling back into your window- god why does that sound so stalkery- I didnt mean it like said" I said, a small smile creeping onto my face.

"Yeah, no i totally get it, i saw you too. And probably because it does sound stalkery- but thats fine- your allisons friend, so your mine, Im stiles, if you haven't figured it out already-" he stated.

"I'm Newt, if you haven't already figured that out" I replied, slightly mocking him. Though i was still thinking of the memory i had seen earlier. Why was he in it?

All of a sudden I felt dizzy again- I crouched down, using the wall to steady myself, I could see visions starting up in my mind- I didn't pass out this time though- I could still see the memory vividly- and it all started with him- him and a simple conversation

Memories- Newtmas soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now