Cue? (Newt/Stiles)

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Cue? (Newt)

After detention, which was quite boring, might i add, Stiles offered me a ride home because I let Sonya take the car so she could get home. I accepted his offer, of course. I mean, he was hot, he lived right next to me, and I needed a ride anyways.

I got into the passengers seat of his blue jeep and he started the car. It spurred for a moment but started almost immediately afterwards. The radio came on and the song 'Wild Heart' by The Vamps came on. In a flash, Stiles turned the radio up all the way, then glanced at me, "this okay?" He yelled over the music.

I nodded, laughing, "i love this song!" I yelled back.

He laughed and said "Me too!" Glancing at me.

"Alright, now eyes on the road!" I yelled and heard him singing along to the song.

"I was walking away, But shes so beautiful it made me stay!!"

Damn, hes a good singer- I sang the next lyric, bobbing my head to the song, "I dont know her name!"

"But im hopin' she might feel the same!!" We both sang at the top of our lungs.

"So here I go again!" He yelled.

"Shes got my heart again!" I sang, surprisingly well for screaming- Ironic right? Two gay guys singing a love song about a girl- well, i actually dont know if Tomm-Stiles- is gay- but still.

He begun to sing the chorus, "TONIGHT WE'LL DANCE, I'LL BE YOURS AND YOULL BE MINE!!"



"I GOT A WILD HEART!!" I finished as we pulled into his driveway.

"That... was so much fun" I stated as I jumped out of the jeep.

"You got that right!" Stiles replied.

"Well i oughta get back to my house, check in on Sonya- shes probably wondering how i managed to get detention on my first day at a new school anway- haha-" I stated, We both gave an awkward wave, and walked into our houses.

"Sonya!! Im home!!" I called. I dropped my pack on my bed and then walked to her room, knocking on the door. "Son?" I asked.

"You can come in! I have some friends over!" She said as I opened the door to find Aris, and a couple of other people.

"Guys this is Newt, Newt this is, Aris, Harriet, Ashton, Mckenna, Charlie, and Chuck. Chucks Ashton's little brother" Sonya simply stated, pointing at the group.

"Well, I know Aris, the rest of you on the other hand, Hi, As she said, im, Newt." I remarked. A bunch of "hey's" and "hi's" chorused around the room. "Well, ill let you guys get back to whatever you were doing, just wanted to let sonya here, know that im home." I said.

"Thats right! How was detention, with you boyfriend" she said the last word in a singsong voice.

"Not my boyfriend" I mumbled, cheeks turning as red as a tomato, im sure, as i walked out of the room.

"Yeah but you wish he was!!" Sonya called out after me, shutting the door.

Well... I couldnt argue with that.

⊱✿⊰⊱✿⊰⊱✿ ʚїɞ ✿⊰⊱✿⊰⊱✿⊰

I pulled out my phone so that I could check my socials, mainly to see what the big announcement was. I clicked on Mayor Richardson's profile and saw a ton of pictures of herself, and one singular announcement..

 I clicked on Mayor Richardson's profile and saw a ton of pictures of herself, and one singular announcement

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Holy shit, Shes gonna have everyone find out who their soulmates are??? That is so cool!! At the same time it could break up so many couples

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Holy shit, Shes gonna have everyone find out who their soulmates are??? That is so cool!! At the same time it could break up so many couples... but that is so cool!! I get to go at 12:30 on saturday- tomorrows friday! Thats so soon!! I can't wait to find out who mine is!!

⊱✿⊰⊱✿⊰⊱✿ ʚїɞ ✿⊰⊱✿⊰⊱✿⊰


What the fuck- this announcement is literally insane- we can find out soulmates??? First of all, that is SO FREAKING COOL!! Second of all- wont that ruin a ton of relationships when they find out they arent soulmates- sucks to be them i guess..

I wonder who mine is! I have to go at 3:30- saturday. That'll be a fun experience. Ill have to bring Malia with me, sure, her last name is technically Hale, but she went by Tate before she found out she was a Hale so the town doesnt know about her being a Hale.

Jesus Christ that was a lot of 'Hales' in one sentence.

That reminds me. I should go annoy Derek some more...

Me: Heyyyyy Derekkkkk..

Sourwolf: Were tf did you get my number?

Me: So, how ya doin?

Sourwolf: Again, were tf did you get my number?

Me: Aww, dont be such a sourwolf.

Sourwolf: Stiles.

Sourwolf: If you dont shut the fuck up.

Sourwolf: I will climb into your window

Sourwolf: and kill you.

Sourwolf: With my teeth.

Me: Aww, so sweet of you.

Sourwolf: You better be preparing to have your head ripped off.

Me: And you better be preparing to have a huge branch of mountain ash, wrapped in mistletoe, and rolled around in Wolfsbane shoved up your werewolf ass.

Sourwolf: ...

Me: Yeah. Thats what i thought

Huh- why was that therapeutic? 

Authors note-

Hey guyss, so hopefully this whole, 2 chapters in 2 days can make up for my absence- if not, then oh well! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, dont forget to vote and comment!

Thanks for reading!! Let me know your thoughts!!

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