The first day- Newt

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The First day (Newt)

"So, its your first day right? Do you, know how to get to your first class" Stiles asked. "Yeah, yes, it is my first day, and no actually i have no idea where.." I glanced down at my schedule, "mrs. Asbury's class is.." I said, laughing slightly.

"Really? You have mrs. Asbury first hour? Are you in advanced math too?" Stiles asked.

"Yes, i am, do you have maths first?" I asked as he started leading me towards the class.

"Yeah I do! Thats cool! We have a class together!!" he says as he stops outside a door.

"And this is it, Mrs. Asbury's first hour. Now we have passes, but most of the time shes not very keen on people that are late to class." he states.

"Alright.. Well, should we, get in there then?" I asked him.

"Yeah, probably.." Stiles says, opening the door, Mrs. Asbury stops talking and says,

"Well, look who finally decided to join us. Mr. Stilinski you may take a seat right there in the front since your late, and... I dont think ive seen you in here before, you must be our new student.." She says, looking me straight in the eyes with a judgmental look.

"Well? A quiet one arent we? Ironic since mr. stilinski over there can never seem to shut up. Id get better company if i were you." She says and i see stiles scoff and roll his eyes, out of the corner of my eye. When i stay silent the teacher rolls her eyes and says, "and what might your name be?"

"Uh- Newt, ma'am, my name is newt, Newt isaacs" I say, earning a round of giggles, but i notice a few girls in the back corner are looking me up and down, checking me out none the less. Guess they'll be disappointed when they find out im gay.

"Uh-huh." the teacher says, the look of judgement not daring to leave her face as she says, "You can take a seat next to Mr. Mcall. Scott, raise your hand so this young man can sit next to you."

Scott raises his hand, even though I am already well aware of who he is and what he looks like.

I take the empty seat next to scott, and once the teacher starts talking he whispers, "So what happened in the nurses office, does she know why both you and stiles passed out at the same time?"

"She thinks it was just... exhaustion.. But theres something weird happening, i just know it. And we werent the only ones to pass out, actually, there was another boy, i think his name was Aris, hes one of my sisters friends, and apparently he passed out at the same time." I said, whispering best i could, but Mrs. Asbury clearly heard me, because next thing i knew her hands were on my desk and she was saying,

"Anything you'd like to share with the class mr. Isaacs?" I stayed quiet.. "Mr. Mcall? Do you have anything to say?"

"No Mrs. Asbury, sorry for interrupting your lesson." He says, I glanced at stiles and he was staring at us, a smirk tugging at his exprpession.

"Right, then i suggest you both keep your traps shut and pay attention to the lesson." she simply states, walking away.

When she turns back to the board and begins teaching again, Scott leaned closer to me and said, "Yeah, theres no way in hell that was just 'exhaustion' " he says, matter of factly.

"Thats what i was thinking" i said, talking quieter this time." at some point while she was turned around stiles made his way to the seat next to me. He had his hood on hoping mrs. Asbury wouldnt notice. I laughed slightly at how odd the situation that's unfolding is.

Eventually the teacher spots stiles and rolls her eyes. "Really Stilinski? Its the middle of the year, I thought we were over you antics. Detention. After school, 3 pm." Stiles made a face that looked like he was surprised. It made me laugh.. Which turns out wasnt the best thing to do in the moment because then stiles looked at me and we both burst out laughing. "Normally i dont give kids detention on their first day. You are the exception. Both of you, detention, 3 pm, in the library."

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