Meeting him.

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Stiles's POV

Newt and I are talking and then i see him fall to the ground, i try to catch him but I end up failing and falling to the ground as well.

The feeling im not all too familiar with yet comes back and I see myself in a box, completely soaked, its pitch black and i dont seem to remember anything.. Red flashing lights can be seen and i can hear the sounds of animals coming from the crates.

The doors open and i see myself glancing around, terrified of whats to come. A boy jumped into the box with me as i scurried into the corner. He grabbed me and practically threw me out of the box. I noticed Newt in the group of boys circling around me, he looked unfazed, so i guessed this happened a lot. I then started running and was pretty damn fast up until I faceplanted-

Then the scene changed and I saw myself standing in the same green field except I was with someone this time. He held out his hand for me to shake, i took his hand and shook it.. "Im alby. Welcome to the glade. I look after everyone here in the glade, as soon as were done here, We'll get you settled in.." He stated..

"The glade? Who the hell are you guys? Do I know you?" The me in the memory said "Please. I.. i just want to know whats happening.." Memory me added.

"Whats the last thing you remember?" Alby asked. Memory me opens his mouth, about to say something but nothing comes out.. Speechless, he begins to massage his wrists, a coping mechanism that I use when im stressed... huh..

"Can you think of anything about yourself? Name, family, friends name?" He asked.

"Not really no.." he hesitates.

"Well then, everything we need here, the box provides.. The rest is up to us." Alby states, glancing at the thing memory me came up in.

"Box? What box?" Memory me asked.

"They send it up once a month with fresh supplies and a new greenie. This month, thats you. Congratulations." Alby says.

"Sent up? By who? Who put us here." Memory me asked.

Alby hesitates- "That we dont know.." An awkward silence fills the air until a boy walks up.

Its newt again!

"Everything alright Alby?" He asks in his british accent

Alby chuckles lightly, "Green bean, meet Newt, when im not around hes in charge." Alby states as Newt shakes my hand.

"Its a good thing your always around then." They both laugh."Listen, that was some dash you made earlier.. Ya know for a second there i thought you had the chops to be a runner... until you faceplanted." Newt said as Alby chucked.

"Wha- Runner?" Memory me asked- then everything went black and I woke up in the nurses office...

Newts POV:

After I passed out I woke up and was in a field. I had no control over my actions, it was like i was possessed and just watching myself do things. I was standing in the grass, somehow knowing that this place was called the glade...

I saw some sort of elevator box come up and a boy jumped into the box. I saw someone scurry to the back of the elevator shading his face with his hands. The boy pulled the person shielding there face out of the box and threw them on the grass. He immediately got up and dashed away. He was pretty fast for a while ive got to admit.. Until... he tripped and landed on his face.

Then the scenery faded and I was walking up to a man who i somehow knew was Alby, talking to the new guy.. Wait... that wasnt a new guy.. That was stiles.

I walked up to alby and ask, "Everything alright Alby?"

Alby chuckles lightly, "Green bean, meet Newt, when im not around hes in charge." Alby states as I shake Stiles's hand.

"Its a good thing your always around then." I say, and alby laughs."Listen, that was some dash you made earlier.. Ya know for a second there i thought you had the chops to be a runner... until you face planted." I said as Alby chucked.

"Wha- Runner?" Memory stiles asked, then everything went black and I woke up in the Nurse's office...

Stiles pov

I woke up in the nurse's office, looking around to see my surroundings. I saw a kid in the corner practically barfing his guts out- another guy in the cot seated two cots away from me was sleeping what looked like peacefully. I turned to my other side to see the nurse working in her office... and... Newt.. He was on the cot next to me, we maintained eye contact for a good few seconds before the nurse came over saying "Oh good your both awake" in a concerned tone, making us break eye contact and me clear my throat and sit up more.

"Do either of you remember anything from while you were passed out?" She asked.

I glanced at newt to see him glance at me too. Huh, weird.. "Uh-i- no not really" i looked down, clearly lying, if scott was here he would know that.. By the look on newts face it was crystal clear that he knew i was lying as well.

"No, not really." newt said also looking down, he was a much better liar then i was, that is- if i happen to be right and hes lying as well.

"Alright.." She eyed us suspiciously, "Its weird.. Thats the first time something like this has happened. Three students all passing out at the same time.. Maybe i should talk to the sherif.." She adds.

"Im sure theres no need to call my da-" I started, but newt interrupted.

"Wait- did you say three?" Huh- i hadnt caught that.. The nurse gestured to the bed on the other side of me with the guy that was sleeping as she went to call my dad.

"Bloody hell.. That my sisters friend.. I think his name was.. Aris? Something like that." Newt said.

After that the boy woke up gasping for air. The nurse ran over and when he finally calmed down, she asked him the same questions she asked us. He denied seeing anything too.

"Alright boys. Your free to leave. If you have any headaches, nausea, any other symptoms of anything, ask your teacher to come up here and see me, alright?" Mrs. Shirly asked. The boys all gave their own variations of "Thanks" and "okay" to the nurse as they walked out.

stiles was tempted to ask the other two about what they remembered, but figured it would be best to just leave it alone... for now.


Heyyy, sorry i didnt get this up faster. i will try harder in the future to stay on a schedule (but dont be surprised if i dont bc i suck at schedules-) anywaysss :) How do yall feel about Aris being introduced?

Do you want more maze runner characters added to this story? I was thinking of adding some.. if so, who do you want to see mosttt!!

Also thank you to my new wattpad besties @YourBestieMarvelFan and @katlynnstilinski17 for inspiring some of this story- 

Also, dont forget to comment your thoughts i absolutely love reading themm!


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