Part 8 - Karma

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[Boruto P.O.V]

Once everyone left the room, it fell eerily quiet.

Auntie Sakura was healing the broken ribs on my right side using her medical ninjutsu, and I had laid on my left side, so she could reach it easier.

The silence was almost deafening. Until I felt Auntie pull her hand away, and sat beside me,

"You okay, Boruto?"

I sighed; my eyes fixed on the white sheets of the hospital bed. With everything that has happened, "I- I don't know. I just..."

"It will be fine. We'll figure this out, and I know your dad will do whatever he can to help you."

Hearing that gave me hope, and a smile rose on my face – I'm sure Auntie could see it too.

"Thanks, Auntie Sakura."

"You're welcome."

She finished healing, then wrapped me in bandages and helped me settle into bed.

She said it was important that I got some rest after such a rough couple days, and although I agreed with her, I was terrified of closing my eyes. That much must have been obvious, because Auntie leaned down and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"I'm right here, if you need me."

She said, rubbing my head and I blush, giving her a smile. 

Taking a deep breath, I close my eyes, and eventually drifted off to sleep.


[Sasuke P.O.V]

Naruto charged out of the detention facility; his anger almost visible and I followed him out until he stopped.

Honestly, I wasn't in any better mindset; I was fuming.

"Unbelievable! He just used Boruto to try and kill Momoshiki?!" 

Naruto roared out, but I didn't listen.

"Are you listening, Sasuke?!"

"No," I answered. "I'm actually more concerned about the Otsutsuki."

KARMA | Boruto - Alternative Story [Naruto Next Gen]Where stories live. Discover now