Chapter 7: Favorite things.

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"Alright everyone, the cup pong tournament is starting soon, find a duo and we will figure out the bracket." Jeez, you never knew Mason was this serious about cup pong. He walked off to Jasmine, guessing she was gonna be his partner. Jack started making his way towards you, "Y/n wanna be my partner?" "Be my partner!" Devyn came from the side of you, Jack and her both asking you to their cup pong partner. "Uhhh-" You looked between both of them, not exactly knowing what to say. "Ohhh, it's okay, I'll just partner with Jenna." You looked over at her, about to say something before she winked at you. You just stared at her in shock as she walked away.

"Doesss that mean you'll be my partner?" Jack said, taking another step towards you. "I guess so." You faced Jack to give him all your attention. "We haven't talked much since I got here, haven't we?" You asked, trying to make conversation so there wasn't that awkward silence. "Yeah we really haven't, huh?" He smiled, as if he was happy to finally be able to actually talk to you. "Well we're talking now so. I have to ask... do you suck at cup pong?" You leaned in a bit, narrowing your eyes. "I guess you'll find out in a second." He looked over to his side, pointing. You looked to where he was pointing, see a huge white board being rolled out with an actual bracket of the teams and who is going against who. "He was not kidding." "No he was not." You both laughed, walking over to the white board, looking to see who you would play and when.

You look all over the board, seeing your name next to Jack. Your guys' names looked so nice together. And now that you think of it, went together very well. You put those thoughts to the side, seeing you were the fourth game, up against.. Mason and Jasmine. "He did that on purpose." You shook your head, not believing he actually did that. "Are you really that surprised?" Jack looked down at you. "No, and that's what's worse." You looked up at him, smiling, making him smile back. "First game starts in 1 minute! Get to the table." He looked over to you, seeing you were giving him the death stare. He only smiled and winked before walking off. "What a dick." You said.

You both walked after him, wanting to watch the games go down. First game was Melissa and Josh, against Tyler and Matt. This was going to be very entertaining. Second game is Devyn and Jenna, against Hayden and Courtney. Third game is Liana and Dermot, against Tony and Samara. And then you with Jack, going up against Mason and Jasmine. Whoever wins will proceed to the next round until of course they lose. "By the way, the winners of the tournament get absolutely nothing! Have fun! Start!" The game started as you and Jack made bets on who was gonna win every round, as you watched with entertainment.

The first games went by super quickly, now it being your and Jack's turn. You set up the cups, picking your preferred drink and pouring it into the cups. "Get prepared to get put downn!" Jasmine said, wiggling as she set up the cup on her side of the table. "Me and Jack got this. We are the dream team." You high-five each other, making Jasmine scoff. "Alright. Pick someone to rock, paper, scissors for who goes first." You pointed to Jack, knowing he had a weird strategy to always win. "Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!" And you were right, he did win. "That's what I'm talking about!" You both high five once again, as Jack handed you the ping pong balls. "Ladies first." He moved out the way for you, giving you space. You threw your first one, making it. "Yeah!!" Devyn yelled, who by the way, lost. She was excellent support though. You then threw your second one, hitting the rim, making it bounce off. "Damn it." "It's okay, you got one in. That is better than nothing." Jack made sure you weren't too hard on yourself for missing that second one.

The game was super intense, who knew Jasmine and Mason were super competitive. You both had only one cup you had to get the ball into. It was Jack's turn to make them. He missed his first one, making this shot even more tense. "You got nothing on me Champion. Come on, miss. You know you can't make it." Jasmine was leaning down behind the cup, making it so Jack could very clearly see her behind it, trying to distract him. "Don't let her get to your head, you got this." You gave him a bit of confidence as he softly threw it, watching it as it went in the cup, spinning around the rim, and flying back out. "No way! This is rigged!" You shout, not super loudly though. "Nope, he just sucks." Mason said as grabbed the small balls, blowing on them. He threw one, making it. "Fuck!" "Yeahhhh that's right! I'm the Champion here bud!" Mason yelled, pointing his fingers to himself while looking at Jack. You and Jack both laughed as you watched Mason jump around like a toddler. "Hey it's fine. We will get him next one, because there will definitely be a next one." You put a hand on Jack's back, giving him a small pat. "We're gonna be partners again in the next one? There's gonna be a next one?" He asked, genuinely surprised. "Of course, why wouldn't we be?" You gave him a smile, before walking over to Mason to try to get him to calm down a bit.

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