Growing Up | Jimin

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The story doesn't reflect any of the members' real life personalities. Please treat them as mere stories.

You had it perfectly planned. You and Jimin will give the entrance test and go into the same University. But what you hadn't planned was what if one of you didn't get in.

"I am not going either." You said. You had planned that you both would go together but the plan did not work in your favour.

"Are you kidding me? You are going end of discussion. I'll go in some other college. It's not the end of the world Y/N." He shut down your ideas.

"I really don't feel like going." You whined.

It's really hard to grow up you thought. Till school you both were always together but now you are going apart. And everyone says they'll stay in touch but is it even practical? Everyone makes new friends and things change. You won't have time for each other. And then that's it. You can will become nothing for each other.

"Hey look at me." He holds your hand. "Are you scared I'll forget you?"

It was hard to admit but yes. You were scared as anyone would be.
You nodded.

"I won't forget you. I promise. You really think we'll break up so easily." He kissed your forehead. "Look at you. You are all red."

"Promises mean nothing, Jimin. Everyone makes promises but end up breaking them. We'll grow apart. You'll find interesting people and your replies to my text will be slower and then you won't even text me. It's just how things happen. It's the truth. That's why I didn't want to go to different colleges. " You ranted.

"Y/N" he cooed


"Y/N I promise that no matter what happens I'll always be yours even if we are miles apart."

"And if you leave for someone else?"

"Then you have full right to leak all my embarrassing pictures."

You chuckled. You need him to break this tension and make you smile. And he did just that.

"You stress out too much sometimes. I know I am really pretty but this pretty man only cares about you. So I am not leaving you, even if you want to." He pinched your cheek.

He push him a little and hold his collar.

"If you dare to leave me I'll rip you apart."

"Oh my my scary much? You are a crazy girl."

"But you like it sm don't you?" You smirked.

" I love everything about you and always will. I can assure you that no one can take this part of my heart. It's only reserved for you. " He takes your hand and makes you touch his heart.

"Okay okay jiminshi. Now you have to help me pack everything for college."

"As you wish queen." Bows down to you.

"Jimin you are such an drama king."

"But you deserve all the princess treatment."

You blush and hide yourself in his neck.

"I'll help you with everything so don't worry at all about this." He said and ran his hand in your hair.

"It will be different when we'll be away."

You fiddle your fingers in his hand.

"It will be different but we'll work it out. There is nothing we can't do. We always work things out and we can do it this time too. And it's just for a few years then we'll marry each other and we'll stay forever together."  Jimin replied.

"Who said I am marrying you? I still haven't decided about that." You said deliberately to annoy him."

"You deserve the wrath of the tickle monster." He starts to tickle you and try to stop him but fail.

You laughed with each other.

Isn't it wonderful that when you are with the people you love, cries turns into smiles so effortlessly?

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