Fairytale 1.1| Taehyung

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The story doesn't reflect any of the members' real life personalities. Please treat them as mere stories.

This is not fair. Dallia and I are in love with each other. Shouldn't I as the future sovereign have the right to choose who I want to spend my entire life with?" Taehyung pleaded.

"You cannot marry Dallia. She is playing with you can't you see. She is using you to get back with her ex. She still loves him" Ari, Taehyung's older sister explained.

"Honestly Ari I thought at least you would be by my side." Taehyung shot a look of disappointment.

"I am just telling you what is right. You will be the King one day. You can't act like a bratty child and marry without careful deliberation." Ari explained.

"But I love her. And she loves me too." Taehyung sadly stated.

"Sometimes love isn't enough." Ari went and hugged him.

Taehyung went to meet with Dallia immediately.

"Is it true that you still love him?" Taehyung directly questioned. 'Him' being Dallia's ex.

She was taken aback. It was not something she quite unexpected.

"You do love him, don't you?" Taehyung was going to leave but she grabbed his hand.

"I do but I love you too Taehyung." She honestly confessed.

Taehyung kissed her and she kissed him back.

Taehyung drove away and decided not to meet her ever again. They both loved each other but the circumstances were not in their favour. This story would forever be incomplete.


After 6 months

Taehyung was visiting a friend of his at his house. He was waiting in the garden when he noticed someone entering the room wearing a gorilla costume

Taehyung accidently chuckled seeing her dress.

She saw Taehyung looking at her. She immediately stopped walking.

"I am sorry, Prince Taehyung." She bows, "My brother told me not to come in your sight."

"Why so?" Taehyung questioned while trying to see her face properly.

She looks very young and innocent.

"He didn't want me to scare you off. Don't tell him you saw me." The young girl pleaded.

"You have my word." The prince replied while smiling to himself at her innocence.

"Thank you" she ran away.

"Sorry I hope I didn't keep you waiting for long." Jin stated as he hugged Taehyung.

"No ofc not. You never told me you had a sister."

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