Saved | Taehyung & Jungkook

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The story doesn't reflect any of the members' real life personalities

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The story doesn't reflect any of the members' real life personalities. Please treat them as mere stories.

Trigger warnings: The following story contains mentions of abuse, toxic behaviour and panic attacks. If the subject matter triggers you in anyway do no not proceed any further.

Y/n was running around the kitchen. She had slept in the afternoon because she was really tired and sore and when she woke up it was almost the time for Taehyung to return from work. She was strictly instructed that the food should be ready before he comes. It was one of many unreasonable rules imposed on her by Taehyung to keep him sane.

She heard the door bell. She took off her apron and went to the door. She took a heavy breath and smiled, opening the door for her husband. Taehyung came inside without a word or one of his forehead kisses. Something was off already.

"Darling how was your day?" She asked, her words filled with concern and care, just like Taehyung wanted.

"I want dinner on the table in 10 minutes." He walked inside to shower, not even bothering to give her glance.

She was getting nervous now. She went inside the kitchen finishing her cooking and tasting all the elements of her dishes twice, not wanting to make even the slightest mistake. She was never a good cook but getting married at such a young age taught her a lot of things, especially when Taehyung expected her to be a loving housewife with no ambition other than pleasing him. She knew better than to go against Taehyung's expectations, the consequences were never pretty.

She placed the food on the dining table and stood on the side waiting for her husband. Taehyung came out soon and walked towards her. He lifted his hand to softly rub his thumb on her cheek but she flinched. Taehyung smirked at the reaction, enjoying how he weak he had made her.

"You are getting better at your job, good wifey."

"Thank you." Slightly stuttering. He was standing really close to her.

He kissed her forehead and sat down. He started eating the food. Y/n fidgeting with her fingers unsure if he'll like the food or not.

"Join me." He casually stated. Y/n usually had to eat after him but today he asked her to sit with him and have dinner. She was unsure, was his mood good or not?

She was about to sit down on the chair next to him but as she pulled back the chair, she was interrupted by him.

"Not there darling here." She motioned towards his thighs.

"It won't be comfortable for you to eat like that." She tried to avoid sitting on his lap in the most polite way, because lord knows how he hates being denied, especially by her.

"Sit. Now." Every syllable sharp as a knife.

Her head hung low but she sat down. She took the fork in her hand but she was eating anything so Taehyung took the responsibility for feeding her like a good husband.

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