Chance | Taehyung

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The story doesn't reflect any of the members' real life personalities

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The story doesn't reflect any of the members' real life personalities. Please treat them as mere stories.

"I'll get my things today from your place. " Y/n stated coldly.

"This is final then?" Taehyung tried to make eye contact with her but she was avoiding it and he knew it.

"I have given you too many chances" She teared up. "I can't do this anymore with you."

"You said you loved me. Give me one more chance. There is nothing we cannot work out, "Taehyung held her arms and pulled her. He thought Y/n would change her mind but she didn't.

"It's over. If you can't treat me right I'll find someone who will"

It was one month ago when it all started for them. The time when things started slowly falling apart.

"Don't raise your voice around me Taehyung."

"You are being unreasonable yet again." Taehyung rolled his eyes.

"I am being unreasonable? You have been so distant lately Taehyung. I am just trying to understand what is going on with you and barely speak to me." Y/n expressed her frustration. "An-and Jennie told me, your secretary, she has been in touch with you more than I have been, she told me herself. "

"You are jealous?" Taehyung looked at her as if she said something so unreasonable. "I love you and you are making me feel as if- just leave it. I am sleeping on the couch." Taehyung picks up the blanket and pillow "talk to me when you want to be reasonable."

"Taehyung." She barely whispered and Taehyung heard her but he didn't turn and he walked away. He was angry too.

Taehyung had a lot of workload and unintentionally he had been avoiding Y/n at times. He didn't want to. He loved her a lot but the stress was getting the better of him and he regretted fighting over such petty matters. As soon as he left the room he regretted it and wanted to come back. But only after an hour did he stand up and go but it was too late. She had closed the door and slept.

Taehyung allowed the loneliness to sink in. It was after 2 years that he was alone in the apartment. He couldn't stop Y/n from leaving and now he was going to be alone forever.

Taehyung was not a bad person but he was so involved in the work for the past few months that he was unable to focus on anything, even his dear Y/n. But with a whiskey in his hand, all he felt was regret as he reminisced about the happy times.

Y/n was staring in the mirror, measuring herself from every angle.

"Taehyung do I look fat? I do, right? Don't lie." She poured and stated. She had gained weight and was getting a little conscious when one of her friends taunted her about it.

"Y/n baby" he came and hugged her from behind. He placed his head on her neck. "First of all you haven't gained an inch, and besides even if you have I am more than happy to have more of you in this world. " he kissed her shoulder.

He sneaked his hands inside her shirt.
"And how can I forget" he squeezed her chest. "I love your curves"

Y/n blushed. "Taehyung, stop it."

"Yk what, let's try something new." He turned her around holding her shoulders.

"Something new?"

"Yes. I am gonna lay down on the bed and I want you to ride my face."

"No Taehyung, you'll die under my weight." She pulled away. She was embarrassed by the suggestion.

He put her hair behind her ear. "I want it, trust me. I wanna please you with my tongue baby. You are perfect for me Y/n i don't care about your weight. My love isn't that shallow." He coyly stated. How could Y/n deny that.

"I love you." She pecked his lips. "You always know how to comfort me."


Taehyung poured another drink into his glass. He had lost track of how much he had drunk. He was getting drowsy.

He slowly fell asleep.

Regret is a strong feeling and Taehyung was full of it.

Taehyung suddenly woke up hearing Y/n's voice.

He walked towards their shared room and he saw Y/n inside almost in tears. He wanted to run inside and wipe her tears but then he saw something that made his heart stop.

"Don't raise your voice around me Taehyung."

"You are being unreasonable yet again."

There was him standing inside the room. Taehyung blinked his eyes..He had a lot to drink and he thought maybe he was hallucinating.

"Talk to me when you want to be reasonable."

Taehyung passed through Taehyung.

Taehyung was startled. He felt a cold chill passing through his body.

He looked at Y/n. She was crying helplessly. He didn't want to just stand there and let her cry. Seeing her hurt made his heart ache but he couldn't do a thing.

Y/n stood up and took something out of her closet.

Taehyung observed it closely and saw what it was. He felt his throat choke. It was a pregnancy test. It was positive.

Y/n peeked out of the room and she saw Taehyung sleeping already on the couch. She assumed that Taehyung didn't care.

She shut the door and locked it. She clutched the pregnancy test and cried herself to sleep.

Taehyung felt a sense of overwhelm. How could he not reach out? How did he not notice that Y/n had been having morning sickness for a while. That she was avoiding alcohol for the entire month.

Only if he had hugged her tightly when she was fighting with him and told her that he had been distant but all he cares about is her and not let her go.

Even when she was moving her things out not once did he completely clinged to her and tell her that she can't leave him because without her he is just a missing piece.

Taehyung felt a sharp pain in his head and then he saw Y/n vanish. He called her name out but she was gone.

Taehyung opened his eyes. He checked his phone for the date. He was back.

He took his phone and immediately started running.

He called Y/n.

"I know you are angry but I can't live without you. Please I want to make it up to you. I can't live without you, I am nothing without you."

He could hear Y/n cry.

"Why did you take so much time Taehyung?"

"I am coming Y/n. Baby tell me where you are."

"The place where we first met."

"Will you wait for me? Give me one last chance?"

"Only if you promise to never let me go again."


Taehyung sat in a taxi and left.

He'll never let her go again. She made him complete.

"Love me again Y/n. I won't fail you this time."


What's your favourite track from Layover? Mine is blue.

Rate my story between 1-10. I would love to hear out your thoughts.

Hoping you are happy and healthy

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