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I don't even know you and I hate you.
See all I know is that my girl friend used to date you.
How would you feel If she held you down and raped you?
Tried and Tried but she never could escape you.


"Baby you so pretty," Fatima's mom gushed over her daughter's old graduation photos.

"Thank you mommy," Fatima said with a smile, Diane gave her daughter a kiss on the cheek.

"Tell me when we can meet again. Its like Ian has you locked up in that house," she joked but seriously.

Since Ian and Fatima had been together she'd only seen her daughter about 3 times, and its been 4 years.

The moment Fatima graduated highschool she just up and moved in wirh Ian.

She didn't talk to her parents or even her older and younger sisters, Danielle and Andrea.

The three were like peas in a pod, they did everything together no matter what.

Even when Danielle was a senior, Andi was a freshman and Fatima a sophomore it was still consistently.

The sisters had never been apart until Fatima began to date Ian. Her Junior year of highschool.

She had finally gotten cheer captain when Danni quit and the boys began to notice her.

Mainly Ian, he started buying her love but it never worked. It was only when he did a big proposal she excepted.

She started seeing him and immediately fell inlove with his charm.

She began to do everything with him and distance herself from her family to his pleasure.

They started hanging out and by her senior year she was inlove, which is why after grad she moved in with him.

Everything was perfect until their 3rd anniversary when he changed, he began to mistreat her.

A through their second year she ignored the red flags hoping its just a bardship in their relationship.

Every couple hits their rough patch and she assumed it was theirs but it only got worse.

He began to put his hands on her and make her feel unworthy of herself, now she walks on eggshells.

"Lol he just likes me to hisself," she shrugged causing her mother to eye her.

"Well I'll get out of your hair," the two hugged before Fatima let her out hopping Ian was home yet.

Ian didn't have any clue about Fatima's mother coming over, he wasn't supposed to.

Ye had strict rules about who came in and out of HIS house and if he found out it'll end badly.

She learned this the hard way when she invited Danni and Andi over for a girls day and he walked in.

He kept his composure in front of her
sisters but the moment they left, he let Fatima know how he truly felt.

That was almost a year ago and she had finally had the courage to invite her mother over.

She couldve went to her but after what took place last week she didnt have the strength to.

She was inlove and I asked her, how I mean why? What kind of love
from a nigga would black your eye?
What kind of love from a nigga every night make you cry?
What kind of love from a nigga make you wish you would die?

"Im home babydoll," Fatima hated the name babydoll. It haunted her almost every night.

When she first got pregnant by Ian she found out it was a girl and she was ecstatic.

She told him and he pretended to be but in all reality he had no desire for kids with her.

He played his roll for a month or so before destroying the only happiness she had left.

He ended it by saying "We weren't ready for it babydoll, more will come."

"Hi honey," she spoke nervously pulling herself up and hugging him, he pecked her lips.

"What you been up to? Dinner ready." She nodded, "Yes and I didn't do anything but clean, cook and sleep."

He nodded walking to her, "Did you have any company?" He questioned, she looked down.

She didnt want to lie because the outcome would only be worse, "Yes but-"

"What's the rule about company Tima?" He asked, "None at all," he chuckled bringing her face to his.

"Open your eyes," he spoke sternly as if he was her father, she did as told and he punched her in her eye.

She flew back on the couch and began to cry, instead of her eye she held her stomach as it ached.

Her previous abortion still had yet to heal, "You tryna play me like Im some kind of fool of something?"

"No!" She yelled wanted him to stop but he didn't, "NO MORE FUCKING COMPANY DESIRAE!"

"Okay okay, im sorry please!" She cried like a kid getting whooped by their parents.

"Go fix my fucking plate." He threw her back down again, she jumped up and ran to the kitchen.

She began to make his food ignoring the agonizing pain that was shooting tbrough her body.

She warmed it up before going to give it to him, "You know the drill," he spoke throwing his feet up.

She kneeled infront of him and began to feed the food to him as if was a newborn.

Once he was done she went to clean the kitchen. "BRING ME A BEER." he yelled out.

She took him one right away, as she was cleaning all she could think was how long it'll take her mother to find the note.

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