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I mean shit he bought you things and gave you diamond rings.
But them thangs wasnt worth none of the pain that he brings and you stay.

What make you fall for him?


"Girl that bag is eating!" Raven spoke as Fatima walked into her workplace, she did a quick spin.

"You see me," she smiled earning some whistles and compliments, "Yas boss lady," Loren spoke.

Fatima was the owner of Emergency Co. It was a hospital/clinic that she founded in 2014.

Well actually her aunt founded it but when she passed away she passed it down to Fatima.

Fatima and her aunt always shared the passion of being Doctors. It's what made them close.

Her mother is a detective, she's one of the best in the game. Everyone calls her Detective Danger.

Her father was more into construction, he's a home builder and everything in between.

Her sister Andrea kind of shared the same love for law as their mother, she's the owner of Wilson's Law.

She's a lawyer all around, she takes on all type of cases and has yet to loose one since she's began.

It's crazy because she's only 22 and is killing the game harder than anyone else.

The trio of sister are back to back in age. Danielle is 25, Fatima is 23 and Andrea is 22.

*idc if these ages dont match their jobs, or colleget/highschool years.. ignore it , love ya❤.

Danielle is different than both of her sisters and her parents, she chose a job that was different.

She decided to become a therapist, she loves it so much. After what she went through with her ex partners.

She found comfort in comforting other people, it always felt amazing to her, especially her loved one.

Fatima used to come to Danni alot but when her and Ian hit 2 years she shut her out.

Ian was convinced Danni wanted Fatima with her ex partner, Zachary, a family friend.

Him and Fatima were together for a long time. All through middle school and half of highschool.

Zac left to go back to New York his sophomore year and Fatima moved on.

"Ian must've put it down you smiling all happy," Camerom, Fatima's work bestie spoke.

Fatima gave a tight lipped smile, he put something down but not in a sexual way, she thought.

"He's just been full of suprises you know?" She mustered up and said, Cameron nodded.

They spoke briefly before Cam was called in to preform a vasectomy, his least favorite.

Having to deal with uneducated men whine about how unfair and horrible their wives are.

It always made him happy that he already met his soulmate and life partner, Mitchell Pritchett.

"Boss?" Fatima looked up when Dr. Heaven Waters entered her office, "Doc?"

"We have a 511 in room 231, patient won't calm down until they see you." She hopped up with quickness.

511 is code for the loss of a newborn, it always hurt Fatima's heart to have to deal with it.

She put on her Dr's coat and went with Dr.Waters down to the 2nd floor, they immediately went to 231.

When they got their Fatima's heart felt like it was breaking, "Awwn baby," she ran to Andi's side.

"What's happening T, where's my baby?" She asked crying as her husband tried to console her.

"Calm down baby, I'm here now." She hugged her sister tightly.

That nigga had the power to make you crawl for him
I thought you was a doctor, be on call for him
Smacked you down 'cause he said you was too tall for him, huh.

Fatima had finally gotten home after the most stressful day at work, having to fire someone and console Andi.

One of the Doctor's told Andi she tlost her child due to not seeing the baby or hearing the heartbeat.

However it was because a nurse forgot to hook up the machine and Andi did all that breaking down.

Fatima was mad as ever, it was one of the many times she gathered all 5 floors together and scolded them.

Everyone knew their was only a couple people Fatima didn't play about in her hospital.

Nurse Kayla didn't show an ounce of care about what she had forgotten to do so like that, she was gone.

"You late," Fatima jumped as she sat her purse down, "I had to have a meeting."

"Ion want you working nomore," he cure her off and her face dropped, "What?"

"I own my hospital, I can't just stop working!" She argued, she loved her job.

"I don't care, work from home. Aint no way they need you from 6am til 8pm." He shrugged.

"You come home late all the time and all you do is sell jewelry, I never say anything!" She found herself saying.

She never spoke up about anything and just let stuff slide but about her job she was definitely not going.

"You back talking me?" He got up walking in her face, "No but- Yes or no!?"

"No babe," she looked down, "I bet," he slapped her with force, she fell back onto the table.

"Don't ever open yo mouth to disrespect me you understand?" She nodded.

"What I say about not speaking up," She couldn't move her mouth, he chuckled and punched her in it.

"Bitch," he dragged her off the table and stomped her back, "OWWW PLEASE!" she yelled out.

"Now you speak, I got some for you." This went on for hours. And from that day on, she worked from home.

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