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Floss like you possessed her, tellin' me to mind my business
Said that it was her life and stay the fuck out of it
I tried and said just for him I'll keep a ready clip.


"YOU CAN'T CONTROL MY LIFE!" Fatima yelled at Danni, "I'm not trying to girl!"

"You need to be fucking smart Desirae, he's constantly cheating on you."

Not to mention beating, Fatima thought to herself before pushing the thought out of her head.

"Then you come in my office every damn day with bruises and expect me nkt to worry? How could I not!"

Fatima rolled her eyes, "Don't worry I won't come to you anymore!" Fatima said back.

"Im telling Andi and Mommy, you're loosing yourself. Lord knows what he does to you in that house,"

Fatima jumped up snatching the phone, "Please, don't tell Andi. I don't want her to worry just no!"

"He said he'll stop cheating Danielle, why can't you just be happy for me?"

"What is there to be happy about Fatima? He's cheating on you and possibly abusing you!"

"Hey don't take it there ever, he's not abusing me at all. I fell I told you!" Fatima defended him.

"L this for a man who doesn't even have the decency to tell you when he's not coming home?"

Fatima shook her head, "So what? You're just going to throw everything I told you back in my face?"

"No that's not what I'm doing- It seems like it." Fatima cut her off, "Listen to me!"

"Im trying to give you examples on why you deserve so much better, trust me I know."

"Do you know how it feels to feel like hour sister could die at any given moment by a man she loves?"

Fatima nodded, "Exactly you do, so how do you think I feel? I'm scared Tm"

"Every day you come in here with a new bruise and it scares me, one day I'm scared you might not even come in."

"Then what am I to do?" Fatima sighed as Danni vented, she held her head down.

Danni closed her mouth and they sat in silence for a good 10 minutes, before Fatima spoke up.

"I know what you should do," Fatima said lowly, "T, don't be sarcastic with me." Danni rolled her eyes.

"Mind your business, it's my life Danni, stay out of it!" She let the words roll off her tongue.

She grabbed her bag and left Danni's office not forgetting to slam the door behind her.

She had no time for her sister to be on her heels about things she already knew.

She knew she needed to leave Ian for good but she couldn't help wanting to stay with someone who she loved.

He's all she knows, besides Zac she had never even seen another man naked.

What was she going to do out there in a world full of strangers, she didn't want to start over.


Love is blind, and it will take over your mind
What you think is love, is truly not
You need to elevate and find
Love is blind, and it will take over your mind
What you think is love, is truly not
You need to elevate and find

Fatima got home and threw her purse on the couch, Ian wasn't downstairs anywhere.

She threw a tv dinner in the microwave and went upstairs, Ian was playing the game.

"Where was you?" He asked instantly, she sighed. "I was out with Danni, we got food after our session."

"I dtill dont understand why you telling that hoe our business." Fatima bit her lip.

"Please dont disrespect my sister," she spoke and he looked her way before laughing.

"Come here," he spoke pausing his game, she slumped her shoulders walking his way.

He stood up and grabbed her neck, not in a abusive way suprisingly but she still flinched.

"Calm down baby," he said calmly dropping his hands to her waist, "I love you, you know that?"

"Of course," Fatima smiled, she loved moments like this. "You love me?" She nodded, "More than anything."

"Show me how much you love me." He rubbed his hands down her body, she smiled.

She turned her back to him, "Unzip me," he did as told, kissing her back as rhe dress slid down.

She moaned at his touch, once she was out the dress and in her matching Victoria Secret set she turned to him.

She gave him a long passionate kiss, she then helped him undress. "I love it when you please me," he spoke.

"I'm glad you do," she said as he laid back in the bed with her climbing on top of him.

"Show me how much you love me," she whispered in his ear.

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