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Uh-huh, big time hustler, snake motherfucker
One's born every day and every day
she was your sucker
shame her for bruises that you constantly give
How could you tell her that
you love her, but don't give a fuck
if she lives?


"You need to start cleaning yourself up more." Ian stared at Fatima in disgust as she undressed.

She fought the urge to make a slick remark and just settled for, "I will, I'm sorry."

She stepped foot inside the shower and let the water run down her body as she groaned in pleasure.

She always had the wated boiling hot because it just calmed her, "Fuck," Ian
yelped out.

Fatima jumped and turned around, she quickly shut the water off. "What the fuck man?!"

"What I say about all this hot ass water," he yelled out in more of a statement than a question.

"I I- I'm sorry I didn't know you were getting in." She spoke not trying to show any fear.

"You gone be sorry," he slapped her, due to being in then shower she slipped and hit the ground.

Her head almost hit the pavement but she caught herself, she didnt even cry or whine.

She sucked it up, he turned on the freezing cold water and grabbed the showerhead.

"You gone stop fucking playing with me bitch!" He said as he drenched her body in cold water.

Fatima just cried instead of asking him to stop because it only made it worst.

He did it for about 5 minutes before dropping the showerhead and storming out the bathroom.

She pulled herself up and turned the water back hot, she took her shower and got out.

She stared at herself in the mirror examining all the bruises she had endured.

She wondered why she couldnt leave him, was it because of love? Absolutely not.

She stopped loving him the day he killed her child but she couldn't admit that.

Apart of her hoped that she would get out one day, before she wounded up dead somewhere.

She often thought about Danielle and how she had to go through the exact same thing.

She often wondering why Danni necer had the courage to leave on her own.

She compared the two of them and how their lives were now, Danni got out and she's happily married.

Fatima wondered if/when she got out would she find someone willing to take on all she came with.

She often thought about Zac and how his life wa scv going, was he happy engaged, any of it.

She thought about how life would be if he had never left or he she chose to stay in contact with him.

She knew she could never act on it but it was good to think about it.

She told me she would leave you, I admit it she did
But came back, made up a lie about loosing your shit
Sweet kisses, baby ain't even know she was your mistress
Had to deal with fist fights and phone calls from your bitches.


"I swear T if you're waisting my time," Danni spoke through gritted teeth, helping Fatima move.

Fatima called her crying saying that Ian had gotten another girl pregnant allegedly.

Danni came immediately and the two had gotten majority of T's things and moved them to Danni's house.

They finally made it to Danni's house and Fatima put all her things in the guestroom.

She sat on the bed after chatying with Danni and stared at her and Ian on her lockscreen.

She missed him already, it was crazy. The cheating had started earlier in the year.

He was still pretty much perfect besides the fact that he had been cheating.

She found out about Brianna through her homegirl, Vanessa. Bri and Vanessa were friends.

Vanessa was speaking with Bri about Bei's new man and found out it was the imfamous Ian.

She told Fatima immediately and dropped the bomb on Brianna, Bri was allegedly pregnant though.

Ftim didnt know how to take that in so she ran, the moment Ian left she did the same.

Fter sitting in silence for  while she gott numerous text from him but she ignored them.

She didn't have time for any of it at the moment, she was over the relationship as of right now.


"Girl where you going?" Danni asked ass Fatima brung her bags from the guest bedroom.

Fatima gave her a innocent look, "Dont tell me you're going back to that  cheater!"Fatima shrugged.

"He texted me, he's having a hard time wirhout me." She spoke trying to get Danni to understand.

"You told me you would leave him!" Her sister spoke frustrated, Fatima sighed.

"I did!" Fatima argued back, "But you going back cause he loosing his shit? He's trying to manipulate you,"

Fatima ignored her and carried her things outside, Danni followed her. "Fatima- I'll be fine Danni."

"Okay Fatima, you're grown but please please tell me if anything happens." She spoke.

By the stories Fatima had told, something told her Ian would snap soon, just like Que did.

She shook off the feeling because with Fatima being grown, she couldn't make her do things anymore.

"I will, I love you." Fatima gave her sister a hug, "I love you too." Danni spoke.

She watched Fatima leave with a huge smile on her face, that was the last time she saw Fatima genuinely smile.

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