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That wasnt love babygirl you
was dreaming.
I could've killed you when you
said your seed
was growing from his semon.


"Girl you been throwing up all day," Andi laughed holding Fatima's hair back, "I know." She mumbled.

"Don't tell me both you hoes pregnant," Danni spoke glaring at her younger sisters.

"Bitch I'm married, of course I'm pregnant." Andi spoke, not intentionally trying to offend T.

"No offense- none taken," Fatima mumbled before brushing her teeth, when she was done she joined them.

The three were spending the day together and had made it to Preston and Danielle's home.

"I'm gonna get the plates and no I dont need help, Im pregnant not handicap," Andi spoke.

They both put their hands up in surrender, she walked out and Danni looked to Fatima.

"T are you pregnant again?" She asked lowly so Andi couldn't hear the conversation.

Fatima nodded trying not to cry, Danni immediately hugged her. "You cant keep doing this to yourself,"

"You're uterus won't work if he keeps breaking you down to the point you dont want the baby."

"But he doesn't want kids, this is the the uhh Danni, this is the third time." She cried.

"I know love but that's what you want!" Fatima nodded, "More than anything," she added.

"I try not to be jealous but I just can't, Andi has the perfect husband and they're having a baby meanwhile I've already lost a child and had an abortion."

"Hey no, nobody's perfect love. I'm sure Andi would do anything for you to be as happy as she is with Amp."

Fatima nodded again, "I know but, I just I love him so much but hate him so had." She admitted to her sister.

"Then you need to leave him, this isn't healthy honey," Fatima just shook Danielle off.

Danni shook her head at her sister, Fatima wiped her eyes just as Andi rejoined them with the food.

"Here, I warmed it up hot like just like you like it babe." She said to Danni then handed Fatima hers.

"Here I didn't give you any green beans this time see." They both smiled at their energetic sister.

She was always the light of their lifes, she glew up any room she stepped food in.

"Thank you Ann," they both said at the same time, she smiled. "So Amp and I picked out his name."

The two sat their plates down, "So you know how daddy said he liked Armani?"

"Well I liked it too but Amp said we could do something different with a A as well."

"So we decided on Ar'majesti Nova Carter." Danni and Fatima immediately smiled.

"That's so cute I love it!" Danni spoke, "Me too, Ima call him little Nova omg." Fatima smiled thinking of it.

"Did you tell Jessica about it? Does she like it?" Danni spoke referring to Andi's bestfriend and the god mom.

"Yes she picked out Nova a while back but I was iffy about it." They talked more before Fatima went home.

She hated it but for the man she loved, their was many sacrifices.

I dont even know you but I'll kill you myself, you played
with her like a doll and put her back
on the shelf.
Wouldn't let her go to work and
better herself,
killed some baby's for your ass and you aint give her no help.

"Why you always have to do this Ian, I love you okay? I'm not leaving you ever." Fatima cried out.

"You always do that shit but threaten to leave every damn day," He argued back.

It was one of the few arguments where he wasn't putting his hands on her and just yelling.

"Because Ian what do I have to do to make you love me like you used to!" Fatima questioned.

"I cook, I clean, I give you head whenever and never tap out in bed, I'm confused."

"You always back talking, shut the fuck up sometimes." He said back, "You not going finally."

She sighed before dropping her stuff, she went back up the the bedroom and collapsed on the bed.

She hated not working, it was her escape. Her one place she loved more than anything.

She fired so many male doctors just to go back and that didn't help, so she rehired everyone with a raise.

She was no longer going to hurt her company because of Ian's insecurities.

That resulted into him cutting her leaving the house more off completely, she felt like a prisoner.

The only place she could go was the grocery store and to see her sisters, not even her moms house.

They tried so many times, well Danni because Fatima doesn't want Andi to ecer see her hurting.

Dhe always tells her she's the miracle sister and she's the biggest blessing to her and Danni.

Danni and Fatima have both gone through the same thing, all through highschool.

Her freshman year Danni met Woodrow, a sophomore, also the new student.

She took a liking to him but didnt act on it until he did, then the two began to date.

They did everything together all throughout highschool, except her Junior year Woodrow changed.

He started cheating, cursing her out, belittling her, fat shaming her, all type of things.

The only thing he didn't do was hit her until college, however after a year of physical abuse she escaped.

She stabbed him in his heart and got away with it with the help of Fatima, which is why shes a therapist now.

She wants Fatima to get out so badly but sad fact is Fatima is just like her, can't no one tell her anything.

If Danni hadn't gotten out she would've been dead, she doesn't want that for her baby sister.

She tries and tries but everytime she gets her sister close to getting out, Ian pulls her right back in.

All it takes is a sorry ass apology, loving making, and a gifts for Fatima to pretend the forgive him.

Danni just wanted her sister out, she didnt care about anything else that cake behind it.

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