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I don't even know you and I
want you dead.
Don't know the facts just saw
the blood pour
from her head. Had the nerve to show up at her moms house
the next day to come and pay your respects and help the family pray.


"So when is she gone get here, momma I'm pregnant!" Andi whined at the dinner table.

Andi, Amp, Danielle, Preston and Fatima's parent's were waiting on her to join them.

She was supposed to be coming for sunday dinner and bringing Ian but she has yet to arrive.

"I'll call her again," Danni suggested pulling her phone out, "Please do, that girl has changed."

The whole family was so confused by Fatima's latest actions from everything.

She stopped working, going to therapy and even coming home for Sunday dinner.

It was so not like her but whenever someone had something to day she went completely off.

Andi said something in the family groupchat yesterday and Fatima cursed her out then left it.

Andi being the sensitive pregnant crybaby she is, she cried about it and Fatima apologized.

She just felt like everyone was telling her how to live her life and how she should act.

However that wasnt the reason she was so angry, she was mad at the whole world because of Ian.

Fatima didn't answer the phone, "It went straight to voicemail." Danni looked at her phone weirdly.

I think yall should stop by there," Diane said to all the guys, they got up right away.

Just as they were preparing to leave, Diane got a phonecall. "Hello," she put it on speaker.

"Hi this is Saint Mercy's Hospital, is this Mrs Diane Wilson?" Diane looked up confused.

"Yes this is she," she was praying it wasn't about Fatima. Her heart strings were tugging at each other.

"This is about your daughter, Fatima Wilson. She was admitted at 7:36pm, her heart stopped."

The nurse sounded so hurt delivering the news, "On my way!" Diane threw the phone and jumped up.

Everyone was in tears as they jumped inside the car, Preston sped to the hospital.

Yhey got there in 4 mintues, they all hopped out and ran inside. "Hi where's Fatima Wilson?"

"She's in surgery, who are you?" A young nurse asked after checking the computer.

"Im her mother and this is her father, could you tell us what's going on?" Diane asked breathless.

Richard didn't have the courage to even say anything, he was so hurt about his daughter.

"Um she called the police around 6 saying she was being abused and feared he was going to kill her."

"They got there as fast as they could but when they arrived she was laid out, blooded pouring from her head."

"It was as if she had been shot but there was no bull wound," she further explained.

They all went to the waiting room in tears. "I fucking knew it! She lied but I knew." Danni was loosing it.

"Daddy I tried so hard to hel- uh I should've did more I could've saved her."

She was so heartbroken," Babe calm down, there was nothing you could do." Preston spoke holding her.

"This is my fault I could've- Stop it Danielle, we all had no idea please just I cant!" Diane snapped.

"My baby, Rich, my daughter." She cried to her husband, "I hate that I was so oblivious."

"You couldn't have known babe, she his it well." Amp reassured Andi.

They all stopped in their tracks when they heard a voice. "Family." They turned to the doctor.

"She's going to be okay but she has multiple injuries that'll she'll have to get help through."

"Can we see her?" He nodded, "She's in room 210, she's asleep." He told them.

They went to her room, they stood around her and hugged all over her. "I'm going to kill him,"

Even got down on one knee and let a tear drop, and before you got a change to get up you heard my gun cock.
Praying to me now im not got but I'll pretend.


"She's going to be okay mom, stop crying please cause I'll cry," Andi pouted holding Diane's hand.

Fatima was now home, at her parents house. She recovered but not fully and still needed monitoring.

Everyone was just so hurt that she lived with that bastard for 4 years and they had no clue of his abuse.

Danielle had an idea but whenever she acted on it Fatima went off, just like she used to.

She even went as far as to calling the police on him when she caught Fatima with a black eye.

Fatima didnt do anything but curse Danni out and defend Ian to the police.

Danni didn't want to keep looking crazy so she backed off. "That son of a bitch almost killed her." 

They spoke about Ian for some time before changing the subject, their was a knock on the door.

"Who the hell?" Amp, Preston and Richard stood up. Richard went to open the door.

Ian walked in and Amp and Preston grabbed Richard with quickness. "YOU BITCH ASS NIGGA!"

Ian got on his knee and put his hands together. "I'm so so sorry family please, I need to see Fatima."

Diane's head snapped and she got up running full speed, "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING IN MY HOUSE?"

She kicked him in his face causing him to fall, the boys had took Richard out havk knowing he'd kill Ian.

Danni and Andi followed her and saw him, Danni shook her head at Andi and sent her back to the living room.

"I'm sorry ma, sis let me explain." He stood up, Danni lifted her shirt and grabbed her gun.

She cocked it back, Ian and Diane looked in her direction. "Danni baby, put the gun down!"

"No mama I have to do this for T, she did it for me." She lifted the gun.

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