Chapter 8

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Mature Content Ahead

Nora POV

"Oh please universe! If you love me, allow me to cross paths with them again!"



Here I am yelling at Ra as I walk through the streets of Central Africa. This is where Abir has led me, so there must be a pretty strong demon here. Finally making it back into town, I walk past the buzzing atmosphere.

Popular to contrary belief, central Africa isn't as sandy as the movies make it out to be. Yet here I am, near the south of Sudan, not too far but far enough from the desert.

Abir is still out tracking the fucker so until then, It's time for me to have some fun.

Slipping into a grand museum, I look at the African statues and history. Walking as I walk down the path, I notice a certain nerdy mess in front of me.

Oh my god the universe loves me.

Walking over to him I stand behind him, watching as he scribbles in his notebook.

"Whatcha written?"

"About how they crafted the bowls and interments in the past! It's truly fascinating, I've spent so much time researching or northern Africa I decided to expand and to see the cultural difference not only genetically but culturally is something else. You can see little simulates that tie it to the continent but the engravings are so different, so detailed."

Listening to him geek out I smile, "It is Sweetie."

Peaking up at the nickname he turns around to see me smiling down at him, blushing he closes his book quickly, "Nora! W-what are you doing here?"

Seeing his facile expressions shift I assume Marc is speaking to him, "Just on another mission, I didn't think you'd be here too."

"Yes! I found myself here so I'm trying to do the best of it."

Tilting my head, "Sorry Marc keeps dragging you across the world, but hey, at least I'm here."

He blushes, "Y-yeah."

Holding out my hand I chuckle, "Can you show me around? I would love to hear more of your thoughts."

His eyes shine at the question, taking my hand we walk around the museum. Listening to his every word he would check from time to time to make sure I'm still listening. Each time he's more surprised than the last, then he get's flustered again.

"No need to worry Steven, I'm listening."

This makes him smile at me warmly before continuing. We end up staying until the place closes, I didn't notice how much time has passed. But I did notice Abir circling the sky, to signal his success. Smiling sadly, I look at the man, "I have to go, but I know our paths will cross."

Before he can say anything else, I kiss his cheek making his face burn a nice tanish red. Waving goodbye to him, I slip away to transform. As the heat of the sun hits my skin I run north, to the demon waiting to die by my hands.

At the border of the Sahara Desert, Abir stops before flying away. Feeling the sand move and shift, I summon my spear. Holding it tightly I watch as a large snake slithers out. With bright blue eyes and murky black skin, I frown.

Shielding the sun from my sight it snaps, trying to attack me. Dodging, I slip away,  trying my best to keep my distance from its leaking flangs. Eying each other, I stand still, never faltering from his gaze.

Before the snake can engage me, a flash of light passes my eyes. Seeing Moon Knight, Steven, he punches the snake across the face. This makes me giggle, "My knight in shining armor."

Jumping up to help him he pulls out two short sticks, using them to keep its mouth open the snake panics. Aiming my spear, I let it bathe in flames as I stab the snake, slicing it open from behind.

Watching the snake fall, I land on its burning body, walking towards Steven I smile at him brightly.

"Glad you could make it."

He nods his head, "I-I'm glad I could help."

Before I could say anything he continues, "I wanted to ask if I could take you out for dinner tonight?"


"I would love to Steven."

The walk back is quick, leaving the sands to the town we were before. Deciding to meet in front of the museum we split up, getting dressed in my hotel room I put on a simple dress. A soft yellow, with comfortable flats and loose jewelry.

Rushing to the museum excitingly, I see Steven with a white button-up and brown slacks.


Looking at me he smiles warmly, "Nora, you look amazing!"

Blushing at his words, I lace my hands with his as we walk down the simply lit street. Walking into the restaurant, we get seating. We barely eat anything, so lost in the conversation, so lost in him.

Talking to him feels like a breath of fresh air, looking at his eyes glow as he spills his thoughts. The night ends well, paying for our meal in the end. Stepping away, he walks me to my hotel, making sure I'm safe.

It doesn't take much pull to lead him inside, slipping into my bedroom, he kisses me gently. His touch is gentle, as he leads me to the bed. Kissing my neck, I feel my breath slow, "Steven."

Whispering his name, he slips off my clothes slowly. Allowing me to do the same to him he stares at me under the dim light of the moon.


Blushing at his words, he kisses my body, pouring every ounce of love and care into my body. A complete contrast from Jake and Marc, completely different from the highs I've received. Wanting to give him the same amount of love, I pull him forward gently, "Lay down."

Doing so, I rest between his legs, slipping his member into my mouth I suck on it gently. Feeling him shudder, he gasps, "Oh god."

Moving my head up and down, I smile at his little reactions and uneven breath. Sucking a bit harder, he grips my head, calling out my name over and over again. Feeling him twitch, he tries to push me off, releasing him I make sure he's ok.

Smiling at me, lust and love fill his eyes.

"You're wonderful."

His words warm my head, placing my hand on his chest I smile, "Let me keep making you feel good."

Looking into his eyes he nods his head, slipping himself inside of me, I moan. Holding onto my waist I rub his chest using it to hold onto him. Going up and down, I grip onto him, making his eyes roll back.

Going a bit faster, I feel myself losing control, calling out his name over and over again he meets my thrust. Over and over we meet our highs, but we don't stop, and once we reach our top, I fall beside him.

Catching our breaths, he pulls me close, rubbing the back of my hand gently. Feeling his breath slow, I slip out of bed, gripping my wrist he stops me, "Don't go."

Smiling at him, I peck his lips, "I'm going to clean you up."

Letting me go reluctantly, I quickly return with a warm cloth, helping him clean, I slip back into bed with him. Quickly holding me close I blush at his touch.

Waking up to Steven resting on my chest I smile, holding him close. Waking up slowly, he takes a deep breath.

"Good morning love."

I blush at his words, hearing the pecking of Abir, I frown, "Nooooo, I don't wanna goooo."

He looks up at me, "Another mission."

I nod my head, but he smiles at me, leaning forward to kiss me softly, "I have a feeling I'll see you again love."

My heart swells at his confidence, allowing me to hold him before he slips away from my grasp again.

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