Chapter Four--Come Alive

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After the two reviewed all of the audition pieces, it was almost time for showtime. Phylis had never been so nervous in her life. She stood beside her father biting her lip nervously. The show hadn't even opened and she was already sure that the haters had something up their sleeves. Still, though, she relaxed and only concentrated on looking at the billboard reading Barnum's Museum. She shook her head at the name. How had her father forgotten to change it?

She stretched her legs nervously to warm herself up. Her father stared at her amused. She was getting better every day. With her, maybe he actually had a chance with this circus. He looked at her holding her hand, noticing her nervousness before giving her the signal to go get warmed up with everyone else. She walked inside the 'museum' meeting up with the group lined up and practicing. Once she was gone, Phineas looked around realizing his dream was coming very close to becoming reality.

"You stumble through your days, got your head hung low. Your skies a shade of gray. Like a zombie in a maze," he sang softly looking up at his posters hung up. Then, he turned to a man buying two tickets for his show. He grinned to himself. He only wished Phylis would be out to see this. "'You're asleep inside but you can shake awake. Cause you're just a dead man walking, thinking that's your only option. You can flick a switch and brighten up your darkest days. Sun is up and the colors blinding. Take a world and redefine it. Leave behind your narrow life and never be the same."

He smiled even bigger, spotting a huge crowd coming to his circus. He checked his watch which told him it was almost showtime. Excitedly, he got inside the museum grabbing his uniform just like the one he looked at as a kid.

"Come alive, come alive. Go and light your light, let it burn so bright reaching up to the sky and it's open wide, you're electrified." He sighed, spotting a man sleeping. He grabbed his pillow and gave it to Leed, the heavy man in his show. He slapped it into place gently making his way to the tallest man in his show grabbing belts along the way.

"And the world becomes a fantasy any more than you can ever be 'cause you're dreaming with your eyes wide open,' ' he sang, tying the belt around the tall man helping him up. He just about tripped over the group when they stopped him. Phineas stared over at Lettie who looked to be having stage fright. His daughter who was standing nearby looked at her in concern. She began to run over but he stopped her just in time. There was no way he was letting her do what he was supposed to do.

"Go get ready," he whispered, patting her shoulder as she did just that despite the fact that she still had that concerned look on her face.

"And you know you can't go back again to the world that you were living in. Cause you're dreaming with your eyes wide open so come alive," he performed while comforting his act. Just then, the man on stilts and a couple of other men went running onto the stage when it wasn't time yet causing the audience to look at them in surprise. P.T. didn't care though. He was too worried about Lettie.

"Lettie. What are you doing? They're waiting," he whispered. She looked at him with fake confusion.

"For what?" she asked.

"For you, of course," Phylis whispered, finally giving in. Phineas nodded with his daughter in agreement. She really did have a good point.

"No," she mouthed hoping she was hearing things wrong.

"Remember what I said when we first met? Remember that. They just don't know you yet. You're going to be a fan favorite. I can feel it," he whispered. "Trust me."

All of a sudden, he noticed Charles needed help on his horse. He motioned for the two to go out together to heal her stage fright. Before they knew it, the two were out on the stage with the rest and Lettie felt.......good. Phineas grabbed Charles carrying him onto his horse.

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