Chapter Five--Another Dream Come True

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A couple of weeks later, a surprise was in store for the Barnum girls. It was something P.T. had been saving up for ever since he started his circus. With his wife sitting beside him blindfolded and his daughters each across from him, he could feel this was going to be one of the biggest moments leading up to his redemption. He held his wife's hand tightly as she giggled trying to convince him to cave in and tell her. The girls, knowing their father too well, didn't even bother asking.

Phylis was brushing Caroline's hair with her fingers as Helen laid her head on her shoulder. She hummed to her sisters softly as her father smiled in amusement at her. She tried not to laugh overhearing her mother tell him she was sweating and to just let her see. Once they did arrive though, Phylis looked behind her immediately, recognizing that this was the dream house her parents had talked about when they were little. Helen took her head off her shoulder as she picked her up to help her out of the carriage. Once she was down, she and her sister went to go pet the zebras while Phylis stood beside her father helping steady her mother.

"Don't you think I have enough fine trust in my life?" Charity laughed.

"Isn't that what makes our life so exciting?" he asked her, repeating what she had said before. Right when she was about to answer, her daughter and husband moved her forward. The younger girls caught up after they were focused again. Once they were near him, he put an arm around the blindfold before taking it off so that she could see what he had planned. Once she saw it, she immediately looked about ready to gasp.

"Is this?" she asked breathlessly.

"Yeah. It is. Come on. Let's go," he whispered, grabbing her arm as their daughters beamed at their romance. Even after thirty years together, their romance was still as strong as it was before.

The five-headed towards the porch pushing the door open together. Phylis closed her eyes slightly. This was twice as amazing as her mother had described it........

"Helen. That's for you," P.T. whispered pointing to a nearby dollhouse.

"Woah!" she squealed, running towards it, Caroline following.

"Hold on Car," Phylis called to her, causing her to turn around. Her father got out a small box with a ribbon on it.

"And Caroline. for you," he told her as she opened it excitedly. She gasped, spotting a pair of pink Ballet slippers.

"Did you know about this?" she asked her sister.

"Well.........let's just say that Dad and I both used the money from the circus to get you these," she told her softly.

"Figured the truth would come out eventually," Phineas grinned. "There's a Ballet school right down the street right by your parent's house actually." He turned to Charity at the last part. Phylis shook her head as well as her mother. Even though she didn't fully know her grandparents, she still believed that maybe they deserved a second chance.

Charity excitedly ran off as Phylis began to run after her. She stopped when Phineas grabbed her shoulder.

"Okay. I'm sorry for spilling the beans," she apologized. He chuckled, obviously not hurt by what she did.

"It's not that you silly girl," he told her, rubbing her hair. "I have something for you too."

"But Dad. My wish came true," she reminded him. He smirked, putting an arm around her. A second later, he got out a small bag.

"I know but you've done so much for me in this circus. You deserve to be rewarded," he told her.

"Haven't I already been rewarded enough?" she asked but that didn't suit her father. In fact, he just became even more tempting. She could never admit this though. That would just give him even bigger ideas.

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