Chapter Eleven--Promise To Never Let Go

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 With the girls distracted in Phylis's room sobbing about their Father having to leave, their parents sat by themselves in their room. Charity watched with teary eyes as her husband packed up a bag. She felt as though every promise he had ever made her was being broken. As much as she wanted to sit on her bed in silence, she knew she needed to remind him of his purpose as a Father.

"First, you move into our dream house on the same street as my parents. Then, you went to England to meet the Queen. Not to mention, bringing back a woman you barely know and breaking our daughter's heart. Then, the other night with my Father. When will this circus ever be enough for you?" she wondered. At the mention of breaking the heart of his oldest daughter, Phineas jerked his head up believing she was being too harsh.

"Breaking her heart? Where is this coming from? I'm doing all of this for her and her sisters," he convinced her but she shook her head.

"When are you going to realize that those girls have the world? They have everything girls their age would want and more! Do you know how many girls their age have a crazy rich Father who still loves them?" she questioned.

"Charity. No. You don't understand how much those girls mean to me," he half-whispered.

"I do under----"

"No! If you understood, you would know!" he snapped causing her to look at him rather shocked. "How could you? Your parents loved you. The only way my Father knew to raise me was by treating me like dirt. Not to mention, I grew up homeless for five years Charity! Five years! Do you know how hard that was?"

"Once again, I understand your perspective," she said quietly.

"I want our children to experience a life I never had," he admitted growing quieter.

"What's more important to you? The circus or being a good role model to your girls?" she challenged.

"Don't do this to me," he hissed. He hated it when she made it seem like he didn't care about his family.

"What you need to understand Phin, is you don't need everyone to love you, just the people who stand by your side even if you're struggling," Charity reminded him. He nodded in agreement fully aware of what his goal of being a Father was meant to be.

The girls helped their father take his bags to the carriage even though they were all distraught. Once Phineas hugged the younger girls, he turned to his oldest daughter.

"You don't understand how sorry I am sweetheart," he whispered. It was then that she hugged him. Surprised, he chuckled and wrapped his arms around her.

"Why do you have to go?" she cried softly into his arms.

"Don't worry. I'll be home as soon as possible. Do me a favor and help Phillip with the circus while I'm gone," he made her promise. She nodded without hesitation.

"I'll never be able to manage it the way you did but I'll try my best," she said wiping her tears on his shirt.

"I'll be thinking of you when you perform, my gorgeous gymnast," he told her kissing her cheek before turning to his wife. "Keep an eye on the girls for me, will you?"

"Of course, I will," she said softly. "Just..........remember what I said, okay?"

"I'll try," he said hugging her before kissing her. They stood there hands attached for a second before he eventually let go and went down to the carriage where the man driving the horse and buggy helped him in beside Jenny. Phylis wiped her tears as her sisters ran off down the balcony and after the carriage.

"Daddy! Stop! No! Daddy please!" they cried. She sighed placing an arm on her mother as she stood out there. Without a second thought, she went through the door not bothering to turn around.

"Some people long for a life that is simple and planned," she sang looking at her family through the window as her Mother now stood there attempting to get the girls back. With a sigh, she stood there for a while longer. "Tied with a ribbon. Some people won't sail the seas 'cause they're safer on land to follow what's written and I follow you to the great unknown." She watched sadly as the carriage kept driving. What was she going to do without her Father? She noticed a picture on top of the oven of him with her after their first show together. Right beside it, was the whole family together. She touched the picture sweetly.

"Off to a world we call our own," she sang kissing the picture. She looked behind her to notice the carriage gone and the girls running back to their mother. "Hand in my hand and we promise to never let go. We're walking a tightrope. High in the sky, we can see the whole world down below. We're walking a tightrope.

Phylis stood beside Caroline practicing ballet with her like her Father used to. She lifts her in the air causing her to grin. Her mother and Helon laugh as she does so. Caroline takes a video of the experience to show to her husband when he did return.

"Never sure, never know how far we could fall." Caroline imagines her Father there too probably eager to join in on the fun but when she opens her eyes, he's not there. "But it's all an adventure that comes with a breathtaking view.

After her first show without her Dad there, Phylis notices that her Father isn't right beside her anymore. Noticing her disappointment, Phillip runs over and spins her in a circle just like he saw Phineas do time and time again. Her younger siblings and Mom hold her bouquet just like they did after her solo performance.

"We're walking a tightrope with you. Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh. With you ooh ooh ooh. Ooh with you."

"Mountains and valleys and all that we'll come in between." The Barnum girls applauded as Caroline finished her Ballet performance. After inspiration from her sister, she decided not to quit. At first, she smiled at the applauding group but then she noticed the empty seat and her smile slightly fell. "Deserts and oceans. You pulled me in and together we're lost in a dream. Always in motion so I risk it all just to be with you."

At dinner, Phylis sits beside Helon while her Mother and Caroline sit on the other side. She turns to Helon and whispers for her to hit her Mom with the food they were throwing. On the other side of Helon, once again, sat an empty chair.

"And I risk it all for this life we choose," Phylis belted frowning over at the empty seat. Regardless, she turned to Helon again.

"Now hit Caroline," she whispered, making sure her sister didn't hear. With a giggle, her youngest sister did as she asked causing everyone to start laughing.

"Oh, you're gonna get it this time Phylis!" Caroline scolded as she threw food at her dress. She did the same to her Mother causing all of the girls to start laughing.

"Hand in my hand, and you promised to never let go," Phylis sang as she grabbed Tom from Phillip who was helping him get ready. Just like usual, she placed him on his horse, kissing him on the cheek for good luck. She hugged Lettie from behind watching Phillip stare at Anne in the sky. She went over to him grabbing his arm as he walked her out to perform before letting go of her.

"Never sure, if you catch me, if I should fall," she belted watching her Mom drop a plate while attempting to help her with dinner. With tears in her eyes, Phylis told her to take a break and she cleaned up the rest of the mess and prep dinner.

"What's for--" Caroline started. Phylis attempted to run towards her but she had already stepped on the glass. She ran over to check on her to see her crying herself. She leaned over and took her to get some tweezers to pull the glass out. She sighed wishing her father was there.

"Well, it's all an adventure that comes with a breathtaking view," she sang setting Caroline down to take care of her. "We're walking a tightrope."

"With you ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh," Phylis sang softly to the girls as she sang them to sleep just like she did every night Phineas was gone.

"With you ooh, ooh, oooh, oooh, with you. With you oooh, oooh ooh, oooh," she sang as Philllip bowed with Anne then with her to make it feel like her Father was still there. She put her head down noticing the haters were still there.

That night, she spotted her Mother dancing with the curtain. She sighed walking over to place an arm around her. If only her Father could see just how miserable he was making her.

"With you, ooh, oooh, oooh, oooh. Ohhh ohhh with you," she finished kissing her on the cheek. "I've got you," she whispered helping her with the curtains.

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