Chapter Ten--Secret Trips

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***I'm sorry to say that one of my favorite songs of the whole soundtrack, 'Rewrite The Stars' will not be featured in this since it focus primarily on Anne and Phillp. Even though it introduced me to the movie, I still can't seem to find a place for it in my OC's backstory. But I have some good news! Next chapter, Phylis gets to perform her first solo originally written for her mother in the movie but I made it work since she hasn't had a full solo yet. Hope you enjoy this chapter!*****

"Phylis. Come on. I'm sorry, okay?" Phineas called through his daughters door after he had returned. She had locked the door once she had gotten home and hadn't come out. Charity leaned aganst the doorway unimpressed. She had just taken the girls to bed and had come out to see her husband begging for his daughter to forgive him. No matter how many times she asked him to leave her be, he refused to leave her door.

Inside, Phylis wiped the makeup from her face as well as her tears. He didn't get it. She wasn't just upset with him for not coming to her show but also the way he had acted beforehand. She wanted to open the door and cry into his arms but that meant that she forgave him. She certently didn't. Instead, she just stood in front of her huge mirror cleaning herself up. It was easier for her to pretend not to hear him then answer him with some snarky remark.

Once she had finished with her makeup, she got dressed for the night and laid in bed her notebook on her lap. She didn't feel like writing. She just stared at her fathers message inside. How could he write that he believed in her then spend the whole night worshipping Jenny? She had tried everything to prove to her father that she was talented but it just all fell apart. She wiped a tear from her eyes at the risk of hitting the notebook she wass holding.

"She's not coming out," Phineas confirmed to his wife after waiting about ten minutes. Charity shook her head not believing he didn't realize that before he even started knocking.

"Well what do you expect her to do? Run out and all of a sudden forgive you? You're her father! She expected you to be there," she scoffed, her arms crosseed not moving from the doorway. Phineas moved towards his wife.

"You don't think I know that?" he asked.

"No. I know you do. That's why I expected better," she sighed having her husband move so that she can try and talk to her daughter.

"Phylis sweetheart?" she called softly in a motherly tone. She then glared at her husband. "Do her a favor and leave her alone."

He sighed leaving her alone like his wife asked. A second later, the door unlocked and he went to his office figuring she needed time to herself.

"Why doesn't he believe in me?" she whispered into her arms. Charity played with her hair taking her to her room.

"He does believe in you. He's just.........being complicated," she reassured her. No matter how much Phylis wanted to believe it, she knew that if that were true, then he wouldn't have snapped at the acts that way.

"You should've seen him Mom.........he treated Lettie like she was---"

"A freak?" she questioned attempting to understand her daughter. She nodded in agreement. How did her mother understand her so much? She sat herself down on her bed, her mother following her clasping her hands.

"Look at me honey," she whispered. "You're talented, okay? Now I know I'm not an expert on show business like your father but you killed it up there tonight. You have no idea how proud you've made me. The fact that you wrote this for your sister just makes me even happier."

Phylis wiped her tears on her Mothers dress. She just chuckled happy to just see her girl happy. Once she had calmed down, her mother fixed her chin to make her look at her. "You promise you'll talk to me if you feel talentless again?"

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