Chapter Twelve--Circus Fire And Lies

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 The Barnum girls had been ecstatic to learn that their Father was returning home months earlier than expected. Charity had been taking care of them by herself for the past three weeks and had considered herself exhausted. Every day, Phylis felt worse for her. She seemed to consider herself exhausted. When the day finally did come, Phylis was upset because she had circus practice at the time that he would be arriving.

She had just finished a successful show where she tried the tightrope again. Spotting her at the end, Phillip ran over to her giving her a hug. He had really been a good father figure to her these past few weeks. Putting an arm around her, he took her over to where he and Anne were standing calling to the people leaving the show.

"You were magnificent," he whispered once she was with them. Anne nodded in agreement hugging her and telling her she did a good job. She thanked them and smiled at all of the visitors.

"Ms. Barnum. When is your Father coming back?" a woman asked. She smiled at her excitedly.

"He's coming back next show folks," she announced.

"Yes! Mr. Barnum is returning this evening!" Phillip continued. "Thank you all so much for coming! Tell all your friends and neighbors!"
"That was a beautiful show Mr. Carlyle!" a woman complimented.

"Why, thank you, mam! Much appreciated," he smiled. "Who enjoyed themselves tonight? Did you?" he asked pointing at a young boy who chuckled. "Tell your friends and neighbors! Tell them all about Barnum's circus! We have new enjoyable acts every night!"

"Ringmaster? Daddy's girl?" a man in the corner asked. The two turned their heads spotting critics. They looked rather dangerous if Phylis said so herself.

"Gentlemen. This is our circus. You're not supposed to be here. I'll have to ask all of you to leave," Phillip informed him.

"This is our town son. We suggest you leave with your freaks and your spooks," he said glaring at W.D. when he said it. Phylis couldn't contain herself much longer. Phillip noticed this so he nodded at her also hurt at what the men were saying. If they weren't going to listen to him, they may as well listen to her.

"He made it perfectly clear. You aren't supposed to be here. We will not have you harassing us or any of our acts. Trust me. You don't want to push me," she growled looking at them dead in the eye.

"Oh, are you going to tell your father on us girl? Come on. What else have you got?" he pleaded.

"You know what? You asked for this," she announced. Before they could ask what she meant, she and W.D. charged toward the men. She ran to them slapping a man across the cheek. She high-fived W.D. after he punched a man. She noticed a man trying to use W.D. to kick Phillip and she ran in the way of him guarding his path so she could grab her friend but she got kicked down instead. Seeing this, Lettie and the others couldn't hold in their anger for another second.

"Charge!" Lettie announced to the group running to help her friend up. "You okay?"

"Yeah. Thanks for---" Just then, Lettie saw the men again and grabbed her friend by the hand before letting go so they could run in opposite directions. She spotted a man attempt to grab onto her but she was able to kick him to the ground.

"So, you're as flexible as they say," the man laughed. Phylis breathed rapidly eventually spotting the tightrope. When the man wasn't looking, she ran over to it. There was no way she was going to let them win. "Hey! Where'd the princess go?"

"I'm up here!" she called. He ran towards the rope trying to get her off but she lifted her leg up and kicked him causing him to fall onto the circus area.

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