Chapter Six--New Recruet

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****I won't be adding any of The Other Side scenes due to the fact that the scene isn't relevant to Phylis. Please note that I did not forget to add it. It's just not that relevant to my plot. Hope you can understand!****

"Did you fall asleep with your notebook open last night?" Charity asked her daughter as she got out the bowels for breakfast. Phylis had indeed woken up to see her notebook and herself on her window seat. She had only the bridge and the end chorus left. She had seriously thought she would be able to finish it that night but her trying not to cry must've made her exhausted.

"Yeah. I guess I did," she said, pouring oatmeal into four bowls. She stared at her mother surprised. "Is Dad not joining us for breakfast?"

Charity was silent for a second. Her husband had informed her of his plans last night. She didn't have to answer though because Phineas came downstairs stopping by each of the girls and kissing them on the cheeks, hugging his wife from behind. She grinned trying not to laugh.

"What was that for?" she asked, turning around to face him. Phylis beamed, placing the bowels in front of her sisters. She was happy to see Caroline a lot happier. She even gave her a smile of gratitude when her food was placed in front of her.

"For believing in me when no one else did," he said, causing her to blush as he kissed her on the lips.

"Will you be joining us for breakfast?" Phylis repeated when she had gotten her father's attention. He made his way over to his daughters with a sigh. That told her all she needed to know. He was going out to get more recruits. When he confirmed this to be true, none of the girls were surprised.

"Who are you meeting up with?" Caroline asked, scooping her first spoonful of oatmeal. He was silent for a second before deciding it was a good idea to tell them.

"Phillip Carlyle actually," he informed his daughters. His oldest one looked at him in shock. For some reason, she had a feeling it would take some convincing to try and get him to be in the circus. She was especially surprised that he had such a change of heart about the man especially after the way he acted the night before.

"Dad.........this is great and all but don't you think you're taking too much of a leap? I mean, believe me. Like everyone else, I think that Mr. Carlyle is very talented but he's a very famous playwright. How do you plan on getting him to join our show?" she asked. He giggled messing with her hair causing Phylis to roll her eyes.

"Don't worry my gorgeous gymnast. I have a couple tricks up my sleeve," he informed her. She nodded, not doubting that.

As her father left, she realized her father may have been right. Maybe Phillip Carlyle was just what they needed in their circus. Besides, he seemed to already have experience with an audience. Maybe this was a good thing.

Later that day with her father still not home, Phylis went off to the circus to meet up with the other acts before her show. They all loved her and considered her a part of their family. After reassurance from her mother that she was going to do great, she left on a carriage that she instructed to take her to the circus. She was wearing the leotard her father had gotten her. It had quickly become one of her favorites.

The ride to the circus felt like it did every morning but normally, her father would be with her. She couldn't help but worry about him though she knew that he had this under control. He always did this kind of stuff. She never knew how he could do it but somehow he could. That was just one of the things she admired about him. Even when it seemed like everything was going to waste, he was willing to do anything to prove he could live the dream he'd always wanted to.

When she arrived at the circus, she thanked the driver and ran off to meet up with all of the other acts. She looked around at everyone. They all looked ready to practice. Just as she suspected though, the group seemed to be confused searching for their loyal leader. She ignored that and met up with Anne and Lettie who were talking in a corner. The three had formed a threesome together, each girl becoming the closest friend Phylis had ever had. The girls grinned when they saw her.

"We were wondering where you were," Lettie said, hugging her friend. Anne hugged her next.

"Is Mr. Barnum not coming?" she asked, confused.

"He'll be here. He's just got some business he needs to take care of first," she informed her. Lettie raised an eyebrow.

"Business? What kind of business?" she asked intrigued.

"I honestly don't know much. All I know is that he's looking for some new recruits," Phylis informed her. That was the truth. She really didn't know what he was planning to do with Phillip. The only thing she could think of was a ringmaster. They certainly didn't need any acts.

After rehearsing their acts from the show for a while, she spotted her mother and sisters in the audience. She waved at them as her mother blew her a kiss. Seeing them there always made her feel......unstoppable especially today when her father wouldn't be there to give her words of wisdom. She just hoped he would make it in time to see her tightrope walking. Knowing her father though, she knew he wouldn't let her down.

When it came time for her act with Anne and W.D. Phylis got into her position as she moved along the tightrope keeping her arms out for practice. From the sidelines, Phineas and Phillip had just arrived and were admiring the acts going on.

"That's my girl on the tightrope," Phineas told him proudly. Phillip nodded impressed. He had never seen anyone do the trick up close. He was about to open his mouth to voice his amazement when he saw Anne swinging around on the trapeze in the air towards the two. He stared in her eyes for a second and she stared in his. He looked like he was looking at an angel.......

"Who was that?" he asked breathlessly. 

After they had finished their act, Phylis high-fived Anne, grabbing a drink of water.

"I don't think I've ever seen you perform this well," she told her when she was done. Anne grinned thanking her.

"I should be saying that to you. You were amazing up there together. Very talented for your age," she said. W.D. nodded in agreement with his sister. She really was talented. Of course, they both expected this of P.T. Barnum's daughter. She clearly looked to be enjoying her act and her father had clearly trained her well.

"Your sisters looked to be your greatest fans," he finally added.

"Oh, you mean Caroline and Helon? Yeah. I love that they look up to me so much," she smiled looking over at her sisters who were cheering as she walked past as her mother clapped proudly. She never knew what she would do without her family. She turned away from her fanclub turning over to see that Anne looked to be staring at something coming their way. She began to look up confused seeing her father and who she assumed was Phillip come out of the stage doors. Her father looked to be scolding at someone on his way over to the group.

"Phylis. W.D. Anne. I want you all to meet my newest hirer, Mr. Phillip Carlyle," he said as W.D. stuck a hand out for him.

"Pleasure to meet you, Phillip," he said, noticing the way his sister looked at him. More importantly, the way he was looking at her.

"Yeah, pleasure," he said but he couldn't take his eyes off of Anne.

"What is your act Mr. Carlyle?" she wondered. He looked at her confused.

"I'm afraid I don't have an act," he informed her. She began to walk away nervously but not before turning her head back to him.

"Well, hate to break it to ya but everyone's got an act," she said with a slight smile. Once she was gone, Phylis stuck her hand out to him.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Carlyle. I'm Phylis Barnum," she introduced, growing a little scared.

"Well I have to say, Phylis, you are clearly very talented," he said, finally moving his thoughts away from the girl he had laid his eyes on. It was then Phineas called Phillip after him. W.D. and Phylis left the group. W.D. went to hang out with some of the other acts while Phylis smiled to herself debating whether or not to follow her. She decided to leave her be already knowing this had to be hard on her growing a crush on a white man. She found it funny that she had barely known her but she was already aware of how shy she was.

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