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~ 𝐿𝓊𝒸𝒾𝒶𝓃 ~

It took everything in me to not pull her to me and kiss her. she looked so goddamn beautiful. Fanculo (Italian/fuck), she is the most beautiful women I have ever laid eyes on. Its not just the way she looks, its something about her, just her. when she is there everything seems better, brighter. Its like in the movie when everything slows down and everything is focused, the rain, the lights, the reflection in the girls eyes, the sound of her laugh being muffled.

That is how it felt when she opened that damn door, everything just stopped. All I could see was her, her soft jet-black hair, her light brown eyes, and the way she looked at me with those eyes. everything about her was beautiful, her light brown skin looked like it fucking sparkled for Gods sake.

She is sitting right beside me, staring out of the window; and all I can think about is wanting to hold her fucking hand. I grip the steering wheel tight and keep my eyes on the road, just another 5 minutes and we are there. I take the exist on the right and I see the lights.

She turns to look at me and she has that gentle smile on her face. I park the car on the opposite side of the cabin, I turn off the car and get out. I walk to the other side of the door and open it; she smiles at me and gets down.

"Where are we?" she questions me, and all I can do is smile. I put my hand out for her to take, she places her hand in mine and I interlace our fingers. I walk towards the door and she follows me, I ring the bell that is hanging on the entrance of the cottage. I can hear the laughter and music coming from the back. Maria opens the door; she sees me and smiles.

"Dolce ragazzo, è passato tanto tempo (Italian/sweet boy, it's been such a long time)" she says, pretending to be mad at me.

I laugh and hug her, "Mi dispiace, sono stata molto occupata, ma ho portato qui una persona speciale da farle conoscere. (Italian/I am sorry, I've been very busy. but I brought someone special here for you to meet)" she pushes me to the side and looks at Athena.

Athena smiles, "Sono Athena, è un piacere conoscerla. (Italian/Im Athena, it is very nice to meet you)" I stared at her for minutes while maria and her spoke and introduce themselves.

It never occurred to me that she would be fluent in Italian; I knew she could speak the language, given she has been here for 2 years. The words slid off her tongue like butter, her Italian was perfect, her. her pronunciation, her accent, everything was perfect. Fuck, that means she understood me when I called her Tesoro (Italian/treasure, darling) that night.

"voi due dovete essere affamati, venite dentro (italian / you two must be hungry, come inside)" maria walks inside and I look at Athena. I move to the side and Athena walks inside; I walk in after her and close the door. Maria leads us to the backyard and there are tables set up with candles and roses. Fairy lights hang all around, and lanterns are floating on the small pond.

I look at Athena and she is just standing there staring at the whole setting, there are another couple sitting at the right side of the backyard. Her eyes shine with the reflection of the fairy lights, the soft hue of the lights makes her glow and she looks like a god damn dream. I place my hand on the small of her back and lead her to the table at the far back near a tree that has fairy lights hanging all around it. I guide her to the seat and pull out the chair for her, she sits down and then I move to the other side and take a seat.

"Wine?" I ask her, she nods and I pour us both some red wine. She thanks me and takes a sip of her wine; she looks around still taking in the decoration.

"Have you known maria for a long time?" she asks me.

"I've known her since I was a kid, she was friends with my parents", it has always felt weird talking about my parents, it has been years since I've spoken about them to anyone; but it feels comfortable to talk to her about them, her kind eyes, her loving nature.

We talk a bit more about general stuff, work and why she came here. Nothing that I do not already know honestly, but its nice to hear her talk so passionately. It nice to just hear her talk, she gets so excited when it is a topic she likes. Maria comes back and takes our order; I get a pasta and she gets a lasagne. We continue to talk after maria leaves, soon after Maria brings out the food and we enjoy our food while making some light conversation.


I sipped on a bit of wine while I waited for maria to come back, she had excused herself to the washroom. There was an old man playing a lovely tune on his violin. He played it to gracefully, he had his eyes closed and his hand was holding the violin lightly. His forehead was not creased in frustration or concentration. He played the violin like he has been playing it all his life, so free, he played like he did not have a care in the world with a soft little smile on his face.

I see Athena walking towards me, I set my wine glass down and get up. she looks at me confused and when she reaches me, I take her bag that is on her shoulder and set it down on the table. I take her hand and pull her to the centre where there is a square rock pavement.

She shakes her head and laughs, "no, no, no, Lucian Im a terrible dancer."

I laugh, "it's okay, just follow my lead" I pull her towards me, she places her right hand on my shoulder while her left hand stays in mine.

I hear her take in a breath as I place my left hand on the small of her back, my right hand holds her hand. she is tense and we sway to the music, I bend my head till my lips are near her ear and whisper, relax, Tesoro (Italian/darling) she shivers at this.

We sway to the music and she slowly starts to relax, her hand that is on my shoulder moves behind my shoulder until her hand is on the nape of my neck. She relaxes and starts playing with the hair on the nape of my neck and my hand unconsciously starts caressing her back. She lays her head on my chest, I kiss her head and play mine on hers. I bring her hand that in mine and kiss her hand, I place her hand on my chest and place my hand on her waist. She moves her hand and joins it at the back of my neck and hand moves from her waist to the middle of her back.

I want to stay here, forever. Its so peaceful, no problems, just peace. Its as if all the sound of the world is blocked out and we are in a little bubble. The warmth of her body, her hands playing with my hair, her smell. She is beautiful, she is everything I have ever wanted and she is everything Ill ever need.

We sway until the music stops, but we do not let go. After a few minutes we pull apart and she looks at me with something in her eyes, but I cannot figure out what. She gives me a smile, a very gentle almost sad smile. I place my hand on her cheek and she flinches ever so slightly, I want to ask her but I would rather she tell when she is ready. I caress her face and smile at her. She goes to get her things while I go to maria to pay the bill.

"è quella giusta? (Italian/is she the one?)" I look at maria, she is looking at me with a soft knowing smile on her face.

"lei è quella giusta, ma ho il terrore di rovinare tutto (Italian/she's the one, but I'm terrified that I'm going to screw it up)

"Non ho mai visto due persone più in pace tra loro, e voi due non vi parlavate nemmeno (italian/ I've never seen two people more at peace together, and you two weren't even speaking)" I looked at Athena talking to the violinist before I looked at maria and smiled. I paid the bill and maria walked me and Athena to the door. I walked towards the car and opened Athenas door, when I looked back maria was whispering something in her ear. Athena nodded and hugged her.

Athena walked up to me and got into the car saying thank you. I closed the door and walked around to the other side, I waved at maria and got in the car. I started the car and drove away.

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