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~ 𝐿𝓊𝒸𝒾𝒶𝓃 ~

I was in her guest room.

If someone had told me I would be in her home 2 years ago I would have flat out laughed in their face, but here I was. I could hear her shower running and my mind kept flashing images of what she would look like.

No clothes, her shoulders relaxed, her eyes closed, the water droplets running down her wet naked bo-

Fuck I have to stop, I can feel myself getting hard. I wrapped the towel around my waist and took a seat on the bed waiting for her to finish her shower.

I couldn't stop thinking about her. When I was at work, at home, when I drive, when I shower, when I eat, when I try to sleep. Shes on my mind all the damn time and Im not even fucking complaining. I wanted to talk to her more, I wanted to hear her laugh, I wanted to see her eyes sparkle when she spoke about something she loved. God Im so whipped.

I hear her shower stop. I wait patiently for her to get dressed and get my clothes. I hear her room door open after a minute and I hear her footsteps walk across my door and after a minute I hear her knock the door. I get up and walk to the door and open it. Her hair was wet dripping on her shirt, she was wearing shorts and an oversized t-shirt. Her face was bare of and makeup. I didn't think it was possible for her to look anymore beautiful but she does, she looked so beautiful, I just wanted to study every part of her beautiful face and trace every part of her soft skin.

"Uh-h it's taking quite heavily, I think you should wait till it slows down a bit. That is if you want her are your clothes and um this is an oversized shirt and sweatpants, it should fit you."

I took all the clothes from her and thanked her, but she didnt say anything. her hair was covering her face a bit and she was biting her lip. I watched as her gaze roamed my body, and God it felt so good to have her eyes on me. The only pair of eyes I ever wanted on me.

I lifted my hand and put her hir behind her ear, my fingers lingering a little bit longer. She looked up at me and quickly told me to get dressed and she would make come coffee. She quickly walked away and I chuckled. She was so cute. I walked into the room shutting the door, I changed into the shirt and sweatpants she had given me. Even through she said the shirt was oversized it was fitting for me, it was tight around my shoulders, but not uncomfortable. I folded they suit and placed it on the bed before walking out of the room. I walked into the kitchen and saw her working around.

"That smells like hot chocolate" the smell of chocolate hitting me, it had been years since I drank hit chocolate.

"Yeah, I figured it would be more fitting for this weather, but uh-if you don't like it, I can make you coffee"

"No, hot chocolate's good", it's actually been years since I had it, my mother-she uh, she used to make it often.

She smiles and goes back to making the drinks. Soft instrumental music is playing from her speakers. I watch as she moves around her kitchen, completely calm and in her own space. She had such in effect on me, I didnt worry, my mind wasnt thinking about work, my demons couldnt get to me. With her I was safe, she kept me safe and she didnt even know it.

"One hot chocolate" she placed a cup Infront of me, holding her own and smiling at me like a kid. I picked it up and took a sip, I closed my eyes as the perfect mic of chocolate and milk with the perfect amount of sugar it my taste buds. I looked at her, she was looking at me and waiting for a critique.

"perfetto" (Italian/ perfect) she smiled and tucked her hair behind her ear. she took a seat beside me and sipped on her hot chocolate. We sat in a comfortable silence listening to the music flowing through the room. the house was dimly lit giving of a comforting feeling.

"Can I ask you something?" Athena asks, I look at her and shes looking at her cup.


She seems a bit hesitant, "if you don't mind me asking, what does your tattoo mean? The dove tattoo"

I looked at her. I was at a loss for words, what was I supposed to say. It was in memory of my parents, that I killed them. That I blamed myself, that I still get nightmares about that day, that the date in roman numbers was the date that they died. I wanted to tell her all these things, but what would she think of me. what if she hated me, what if I was too much of a monster for her.

I snapped out of my daze as I felt a warm hand on mine. I looked at Athena as she squeezed my hand and was still looking at her cup. she was supporting me without staring me down, she was trying to make me feel comfortable. She was supporting me and comforting me without even knowing what was haunting me. she wasnt demanding I tell her; she was just there weather I told her or not.

Athena got up and took both our empty cups and placed them in the sink, she walked into the hallway and came back with blankets. She cracked the window open and placed the blankets on the sofa, then she pushed the sofa to face the window. She had plants on her balcony and inside her home, a few of them flowering. The plants had water droplets running down its leaves and the flower petals. Athena was setting up the place with blankets and pillows.

She was beautiful.

I got up from the chair and walked towards her, I placed a hand on her shoulder. She stopped spreading the blanket and just stood there. I slowly circled my hands around her waist, pressing her back to my front and nuzzling my face in her neck. She placed one hand on my hands and she used her other hand to caress the side of my face. I hugged her tighter, I didn't want to let go.

She turned around in my arms with both my hand still around her waist, and both her hand caressing my face. My hands rubbed small circles on her lower back and her hip. We pressed flush together, there was no space between us. Her face was so close to mine, I could feel her heart beating erratically in her chest. I inched my face closer; I was giving her time to back out; because if I started, I wouldn't want to stop.

I felt her hand move to the back of my head; her fingers softly gripped my hair. I looked at her eyes, her beautiful brown eyes. she was looking at me with want; God, she wanted me and I wanted her just as badly. I inched closer till we were basically breathing the same air, our foreheads touching. She moved a little and our lips brushed against each other, her lips were so fucking soft. Both her hands slid into my hair and gripped it

I gently pressed my lips onto hers, she exhaled a shaky breath and she pressed her lips to mine. Her eyes were closed as she started to move her lips, I closed my eyes and held her tighter and I moved my lips against her. I gently bit on her lower lips and she opened her mouth and I slid my tongue in. her tongue met mine, my tongue gently caressed hers and she heard an airy breath from the back of her throat. One of her hands were running through my hair and gently pulling my hair; and the other was gripping my shirt, as she gently pushed and pulled my tongue in her mouth.

It was like she was fucking my tongue, and fuck it felt so good. I tightened my hold on her hips and pulled her closer, if that was even possible. She fit me so perfectly, it was like every part of her was made for me.

I moved one of my hands up her back and buried it into her hair. I tilted her head and kissed her deeper, and then I heard her fucking whimpering. Fuck she was trying to kill me, this felt so good, so right.

My tongue caressed and tugged hers and her lips molded into mine. Her tongue licked my lips, teasing me. I bit her bottom lip gently pulling in between my lips as I tugged it. I pulled back a little, our foreheads still touching, our lips close enough that just one small movement and our lips would touch.

I opened my eyes and looked at her, her hair was messy and she was breathing heavily. she opened her eyes and stared into mine, she clung on to me as I did to her. I exhaled a breath and moved my head to kiss her forehead. She moved her hands down and hugged my toros and she laid her head on my chest. I kissed the top of her head and held her close to me.

We didn't move, we just stayed there, in each others arms.

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