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~ 𝐿𝓊𝒸𝒾𝒶𝓃 ~

I walked out of the café with a steaming cup of coffee in my hand. I looked across the street and there she was, fanculo (Italian / fuck). Just like that a feeling of tranquillity washed over me, she was like a drug and I just couldn't get enough of her. I had never spoken to her, never even uttered a word or stood remotely close to her; yet she has such a control over me. she consumes my thoughts and holds me captive just by her existence.

Ever since that night, the night I saw her running in the rain with her bag over her head, after she had given her umbrella to a mother who was trying to get home with her kid, I was obsessed. Without realising I had whispered Bellissima (Italian / beautiful), and she was. I was intrigued, captivated and enthralled by her.

That night she didn't run away from the rain, instead she walked in the rain and enjoyed it like it was the most precious experience. Her red sundress clung to her like a second skin, her hair drenched and water droplets running down her smooth golden-brown skin. She stopped under a streetlight and looked up, and I felt the air leave my lungs. She was stunning, her eyes were shinning and her smile was beautiful. She was ethereal, una dea (Italian / a goddess).

After that day I would search for her, every day. Her presence alone would make me calm and after I've seen her, she would occupy my mind for the rest of the day. I found out as much as I can about her without digging into her personal life; I knew where she worked, where she stayed, her coffee choice, her food choice and her favourite flowers.

It wasn't too hard to get this information of her, but even with all this I still wanted to know her more. I wanted to know every single thing there was to know; I wanted to know her laugh, her smile, her eyes, the sound of her breathing, the feel of her skin, the way her mind works, the things she loves, the things she didnt, I wanted to know all of it.

Had I been just any ordinary man I would have approached her two years ago, the very first time I saw her; but by no means was I an ordinary man, I was flawed in many ways. The kind of love my parents had, was only something I could dream about, they loved each other to no end.

In wedding vows, they say till death do us part, but even death couldnt separate them. They cherished and worshipped each other; and to have been loved by people who loved so fiercely was a blessing that I dont know what I did to receive.

If my father saw how love struck, I was for a girl I hadn't even spoken to, hed be laughing and my mother would be smiling in amusement. To experience a fraction of the love they had for each other, would be a gift. I won't be that luck; I don't deserve to experience that. I deserve to be alone; it was all my fault.

Athena. She was an unexpected leggera (Italian / light) that came into my life. if what I felt was what my father felt when he saw my mother, then I understood why he could not spend even a minute away from her. It would be maddening.

The only way I could quench my need for her was to admire her from afar. Watch her face light up when she bought her favourite flowers, watch the way she closed her eyes and signed when she took a sip of her coffee and watch her eyes shine when she plays with the kids at the school.

Work used to be something I could do and past time; but now it was becoming bothersome, because it kept me away from seeing her. Today was no exception, a business property of mine had been damaged and it had kept me working longer than I would have liked. By the time I had finished up the paperwork the time was past 11 and I knew I would not be able to see her. fanculo (Italian / fuck), today was not a good day.

I drove back home and got ready for bed not caring for dinner, I had no appetite. I tossed and turned for 2 hours; but I couldn't fucking sleep, insomnia was a cagna (Italian / bitch). Deciding a walk may help, I got up, took my phone an left the apartment.

As I was walking, I noticed that I had ended up walking towards her apartment. I looked up at her balcony to see it empty and the lights off. The alley way was empty and there was no one around, the street lights illuminated the street and gave it a serene feeling.

Then I saw her. Athena.

Tears brimmed her eyes as she hugged her shaking body that was only clothed in shorts and a lose t-shirt. She was shaking like a leaf and she looked as if she couldn't breathe. It was fucking painful to see her like this, I couldn't hold back anymore.

I walked straight towards her, her beautiful eyes widened when she saw me. when I got close to her, I took her shaking hand and pulled her to me; I wrapped my arms around her tightly until I could feel her stop shaking. Her hands help on to my shirt tightly and she slumped against me.

I bent my head near her ear and whispered in a calm voice, Ive got you, tesoro. (Italian / darling, treasure)

She took and deep breath in and let in out as she clutched my shirt tighter, I pulled her closer to my body and kissed the top of her head. I buried my face into the crook of her neck and took a deep breathe, she smelt like lavender.

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