C h a p t e r 1

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"How I thought about making you cry while I have fun" stated an overly horrifying voice I knew to well.

"Please just leave me alone" I cried. This was a very common phrase I always say once he decides to make fun of me, knowing that this will last for approximately 15 minutes before lunchtime ends. I have to beg him till my voice starts squawking.

"Leave you alone?" He chuckled bitterly, suddenly stopping inches away from my thin body. "I will never leave you Luna you're my play toy, don't you get it?" He grabbed my forearm and pinned me against the nearby lockers. I let out a small squeal as my back hit the metal lock.

"Please" He laughed along with his two friends, looking at each other suspiciously. He suddenly took ahold of my water bottle that was laying aimlessly on the ground and poured the rest of the water into my face. I hissed at as the cold water made contact with my skin.

"Do you ever listen-"

"LUNA WAKE UP!" Someone said wailing inside my ear.I sprung up, one hand flying to my forehead and the other pressed against my chest calming my erratic heart. Nightmares like these keep following me year after year, no matter how much time had passed by since then. I wasn't able to get rid of 'His' face. It's haunting me over and over again. My mom and I had moved away after middle school. I had been homeschooled all this time, which I was thankful for as my time in elementary school hadn't exactly been the greatest but now I was back and thrilled to be in high school. My mom thought it was a great idea for me to go back to a normal school and make new friends. I guess she was worried about me being all by myself every day. I didn't even mind. I liked being alone, the silence, the peacefulness. All that was about to be shattered to pieces.

"Good morning and get up, you don't wanna be late," my mom said with an overly cheerful voice.

"Good morning mama and trust me I'm not planning on being late"

"Not planning on being late?" she chuckled, opening the curtains. The sunlight shot brightly on my face. " darling if I didn't wake you up you would've slept the whole day" I grunted lightly as I got up, took my tangled brown hair out of my face, and crinkled it into a ponytail.

"well...that's because I would be dreaming about Jungkook" I sound so insane, but I like it.

"And lemme guess, he's one of the BTS members?" she asks with a risen eyebrow. Omw, my mommy is an Army!!!!!

"yep," I muttered, widening my eyes "where did you even hear about them?"

" I'm not telling you" she moves giving me a kiss on my forehead "anyways I'm off to work you can call a cab or take a bus to school" she said before making her way downstairs.

I proceeded on getting ready. I took a shower and did my morning face routine but without the makeup. I like my freckled face and so I'm going to embrace it. I think choosing an outfit for my first day of high school is the hardest. I need to make an impression so that I can be respected and find a few great friends.I can't do all that if I proceed on wearing K-pop hoodies and sweatpants, they might think I'm a stuck-up Koreanboo. I need to change my clothing aesthetic. I was determined to leave my past self hidden and locked away forever. Nobody deserves to know about me and how I was bullied back then, a loser..... an outcast. I was going to start fresh and fit in for once. After complimenting myself for a good two minutes. I winked at the mirror, grabbed my cell phone, backpack, and made my way downstairs.

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