C h a p t e r 8

15 1 1

Caden's POV

"Are you sure you want to go through with this? I was only joking when I suggested it " London said.

"Yes" I said "can we start with the interviews" I snapped.

It had been a day since London suggested the idea. I had fully convinced myself that this was the only way and , it was. It was the only way everyone would get what they wanted. I couldn't wrap my head around me settling down or loving someone just because I wanted to make my father happy and making my mom's dying wish true.

I wouldn't be able to be faithful. Settling down is too big of a commitment for me.

We were at London's house. We agreed to do the relationship interviews here, I didn't want girls showing up at my penthouse.

Natasha had decided to come along. Her excuse was since she's been with a lot of girls, the least she could do was help me find a normal girl and not some money sucker bitch. Her words not mine.

"I've made a lot of stupid decisions but this, is the worst" he continued.

"You think" I muttered under my breath.

"I just don't want your dad to kill me when he finds out that this was my idea. He'll make sure I die a slow and painful death."

"Why are you trying to talk me out of this?" I asked.

"I feel like it's my responsibility since I was the one who gave you the idea" he answered. I rolled my eyes at him and turned away.

"That was the first sane thing you've ever said London" Natasha commented as she walked in with a tray of cookies in her hands.

"You should listen to Tasha, she has genes of womanhood" London joked.

Natasha placed the tray in front of us on the coffee table.

"I don't want you to go through with this Caden" London whined

"Why not?" I questioned

"Cause I know you, you might act tough and all but you have a heart. As soon as you have the girl you won't have time for anything else or me" he deeply whined.

I can't believe he's making this about him.

"I won't. Everything will still stay the same. I won't be change by some girl I don't even love" I said.

"I know you, you'd never be able to leave your new girl. I know your mother's death hurts you, you'd start forming feelings for the girl and end up falling in love with her thinking about your mom's wish" he said.

He knew my mother's death was a tough subject for me but he still said it anyways. A part of what he said was true, maybe I was capable of falling in love.

I can't believe I was overthinking this.

"I have everything under control, I won't form any feelings." I said dismissive. I took a cookie from the tray.

"Your mom wouldn't have wanted you to go through with this, she would have wanted you to settle down with the girl you truly love and not some fake ass girlfriend." Natasha said.

"She is dead now. It's not like she have a say in the matter" I said nonchalantly, eating the cookie into bits.

"Send the first girl in" I said with a mouthful of cookies.

We were in inside London's launch. All the girls were standing outside on London's porch waiting to be interviewed.

Natasha walked out to the kitchen while shaking her head. London rolled his eyes at me and took a deep breath knowing he has lost.

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