C h a p t e r 4

16 1 0

I stare at my reflection in the mirror. Fantastic. Another sleepless night to add to my puffy eyes with dark circles. I brush out my dark brown hair, deranging it from its light waves that swarms my head like a bird of nest. I hop in the shower and let the boiling water down me. It occasionally turned cold, so maybe that can wake me up. I soon get out knowing I don't have a lot of time.

"Luna Aurora Valente, hurry up! You're going to be late for school" My mom shouted from downstairs. I groaned and quickly got dressed, throwing on the first thing I could find. It happened to be black ripped jeans and an oversized sweatshirt. Quickly putting on my slip-on vans, I rush downstairs and I'm greeted by a hyper Ddosun. He wags his brown tail and jumps around begging to be petted.

I head to a jar labeled "Good boy treats" and pack a treat for my lovely puppy. "Sit" I instruct. He listens "High-five. Good boy,baby!" He wags his tail and receives his treat, so cute. "Luna, should I give you a ride to school or you taking the bus?" My mom asked.

"I'll take the bus"

"I told you to hurry up. I don't know how you take so long in the bathroom and yet your hair looks like this!" She points at my hair. I was the only one that had light wavey hair, my mom had the curliest hair and my father had straight hair.I have lived with both my parents happily and at peace not until my father was shown on television as a wanted man who was the cause of a hit and run accident. He took off the next day, leaving us with nothing but a letter of how sorry he is to be putting us in a horrible situation. Two days later came four men looking for my father, they looked scary and dangerous and I eventually knew that he was into some local gang. I had to finish my elementary year before moving to another country where I started my middle year at a new school and totally at a new town. My mother is a lawyer at The Beasley Law Firm and she is financially managing very well. I do miss my dad but I can never trust that thug.

"Luna!" My mom said wailing inside my ear.

"Oh sorry, what were you saying?" I said trying to calm my erratic heart.

"What's wrong honey? Are you okay?" She asked, worry written all over her face.

"I just thought about dad" I said my eyes getting teary. My mom signed deeply, she might have been caught off guard by the mention of my father.

"I should get going,bye" I mumbled quickly to her before she could ever say anything. I give her and Ddosun a kiss and headed to the bus stop.


The bike vroomed just past me like a harsh blow of wind startling me suddenly. I turned to where it went, a matte black yamaha r1 with the figure I knew too well riding it clad in black leather jacket too.

I shook my head, Caden will never stop showing off his bike tricks. He could've ridden slowly and smoothly, and what's with the bike skid? He revved up its engine while clutching the brakes and finally after a minute or two he let the kick stand up and off he went. Show off!! Minutes later I arrived at the bus stop and checked the time on my cellphone. It reads 07:03

The only thing the school bus has is noisy rude high schoolers. I grab my purple headphones real quick and shut them out with music. I had no intentions of socializing, especially with these good for nothing people. I heard my phone vibrate, it's a text from Claire telling me she wasn't coming to school today. I wonder what's the matter, I replied with a crying and a thumbs up emoji.

I walk to my first class and sit in the front next to a window overlooking the parking lot. I grab my comic book and dig my face in. Soon more students fill up the room creating more noise as chairs squeak and books are dropped.

Suddenly someone neared my desk, taping their long red nails on my desk. I looked up to see the girl who was kissing Caden last night. She was chewing bubble gum loudly and smacked her lips together. "Who'd ever thought that you would be so brazen?" She asked, in a mix of an accent I couldn't figure out and attempt to speak whilst chewing gum.

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