C h a p t e r 9

10 0 2

Luna POV

"This dress is perfect for you" Claire exclaimed as she held out a black dress. She shoved it towards me and pushed me into the bathroom. I chuckled as I closed the door. I took my clothes off and slipped the dress on. My idea of perfect party outfit was dense as Claire said. I had an idea of wearing black ripped jeans, a corset with black pumps. Claire came prepared, she had a lot of dresses for me to try on. We had similar body figures so I'm not complaining.

When I shared my location with Claire I didn't bare in mind that she doesn't know that I lived next door Caden's house. She was super surprised when she found out but totally brushed it out since she said that Caden has two houses, the one next door my house house which was only used to held parties and the other house was his main house that he usually live in most of the times. That explains why I rarely saw him in the neighborhood, although im not complaining.

The dress went down mid thigh and hugged my curves tightly. It had a wide neckline that shows the top of your cleavage and straps over my shoulders. I don't have big boobs so there was not a lot showing.

I smiled at myself in the mirror.

"You done yet?" Claire called from outside and I answered with a "yes" before opening the door. A grin formed on her face as she took in my appearance. She squealed make me jump a little.

"You look sexy! That will definitely make boys want you to get in their pants!!" My cheeks flamed at her comment as I let out a laugh. Claire wanted to do my hair and make-up. She curled my shoulder length hair which fell into neat curls down my shoulders. She did a Smokey eye and winged my eyeliner. Lastly she applied a natural color lipstick  on my lips. She grinned as she looked at her work.

She did a little dance like a kid as she turned me so I faced the mirror. A smile formed on my face. I looked different, a beautiful different. I complemented her on her pink colored dress that had a slit down the side, showing off her long legs. She was definitely going to catch some eyes tonight. She gave me black heels to match with my dress, while hers were silver heels that went well with her dress.

We got into Claire's Audi rs3 and drove to the party. It was currently 07:49 and the party starts at 8. I told my mom about the party and before agreeing for me to go she gave me and Claire a handful of "Be safe, don't drink what they offer you unless you know what's inside" and other sex talk. I felt uncomfortable but I guess that was her way of saying we shouldn't have intercourse.

As soon as the car stopped I was welcomed by loud music that can be heard from the driveway and lots of expensive cars outside the house. When we entered the premises there were a bunch of sweaty bodies dancing and drinking. The smell of alcohol filled my nose.

I felt Claire's hand grab mine. I turned with a smile.

"Are you ready?" She asked. I nodded even though I was not really ready to come face to face with drunk teenagers. She led me past the dance floor where people were dancing to the song 'party in the USA'. It was dark in the room and all you could see was disco lights flashing and a bit of smoke. We reached the kitchen where there was a bar. We walked towards the bar and bartender walked over to us with a smile. He had blonde hair and pretty green eyes. I looked at his name tag which said James.

"What would you girls like?" I returned the smile.

"We'll take shorts please" Claire answered before u could say I'll have a cocktail.

He sent her a wink "coming right up"

I crossed my arms over my chest and my eyes roomed around the room. Fill of dancing teenagers. "Why does it have to be so packed?" I looked over to Claire as James came with our orders.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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