C h a p t e r 7

15 1 0

Luna's Pov

I was frantically pacing up and down the restroom. After lunch I had practically gave it a thought about Caden not wanting me to sit with his friends. I had already told Claire I'd be arriving late to class and plus I don't even like science.

I was nervous that Caden will tell Claire to no longer be my friend and I will end up being the lone wolf that I was back in middle school.

That not only makes me feel miserable but it will give bullies the privilege to bully me cause I won't have any friends to protect me. I know I'm capable of protecting my self but I don't think I'll be able protect myself to people like Sydney. She looks like she could cut you deep with her harsh words.

I felt my skin crawl thinking about her evil face. I made a mental note to start learning Karate when I get home. I really need to build my own protection system.

I stopped in my tracks.

I looked at the reflection of myself in the mirror. I took a deep breath that felt cold in my chest "Everything is going to be okay" I said to myself.

Confidence was running through my veins and I took this chance to face reality and went back to class. If we part ways then I guess we would do it while I'm confident and I wouldn't be able to break down and cry.

Claire is from a wealthy family, so is the rest of the group. I'm the only one who's not rich and I really don't blame Caden for not wanting me to sit with them cause I can tell that's embarrassing. I guess I was really dense for not acknowledging that.

"Does your head still hurts?" Claire asked the moment she saw me entering the classroom. I guess the science teacher is absent, judging from students not learning but socializing with their friends.

I told Claire that I had a migraine. I couldn't tell her the truth that I was actually nervous that our friendship was coming to an end.

Damn now I had to beat around the bush.

I nodded and took a seat next to her desk. I remained silent while trying not to have any conversation with her but truth be told, I want to have a friendly conversation with her and tell her that Jungkook is going live tonight. She never told me she likes Jungkook I just assumed she did because I saw she saved Jungkook's picture as her lock screen

What if she says that she doesn't like JK but she saved him as her wallpaper just to make me happy? It already hurts that she is not going to be my friend anymore, I'm actually scared of her telling this to my face.

"Are you okay?" Claire questioned with concern "you look lost"

"Yeah, I'm fine" I smile weakly averting my eyes from her gaze. She keeps her gaze on me intensely as if trying to figure out my thoughts while I try to look elsewhere.

"Luna I know we just became friends recently but you can trust me" She lifts my chin slightly for me to look at her "Is it about Caden?"

I tense at her question and looked at her. Was I being too obvious about this?

"Yeah" my voice cracks as I try not to cry "I could see anger radiating his body when he found out that I was friends with you all, but yeah his expression did hurt and that made me realize that whatever he was thinking was actually true. I mean have you looked carefully at yourselves and me? We don't add up. I'm definitely off you all's limits, I will totally understand if you guys don't want me to be..-"

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