C h a p t e r 3

19 1 0

I was caught off guard when I entered Caden's place. Not only was it humongous and made our house look like a shack- but seeing all these people my age, drinking, dancing and screaming idiotic things it unlocked a new fear inside of me. I stopped walking and just stood in middle of the living room like an awkward fool. Just after Claire walked with me, she said she's going to check out the fish pond she saw when she got here. I didn't wanna ruin her moment and so I told her to meet me inside the house once she's done.

I had to restrain myself from taking steps back and running back to my cozy room, because now I wished for nothing more than to hide in my bed, watch kdramas and be all by myself. Being home schooled for several years had put social anxiety on me. I was never once invited to a party before. I never met up with friends to have some fun with. This was all so new to me, and I wasn't yet sure if I liked it or not. Who on their right mind even throws a party during the week? I wondered if his parents were okay with him throwing a house party as some of these teenagers puke on the carpet, breaking all those beautiful vases and making out on the kitchen counter. Yikes! I'm definitely sure my mother would burn all my BTS album while watching me suffer in sorrow. I just needed to be careful. Knowing whose house I was in, notably uninvited. I better make sure not to attract his attention.

"Hey Luna!" Someone called. I turned around and met with Mason's cute face. He smiled at me, showing his cute dimples.

"Oh hello to you too, Mason" I raised my eyebrows as a result to thinking how he saw me through all these people.

"What are you doing here?" he asked in a slightly drunken voice.

"The same reason as you" I rolled my eyes. I guess he thought I wasn't the party type, neither did I imagine myself coming here.

"Cool, why don't we talk a bit more but somewhere quite" he said. This guy must be crazy to be asking me this. Why can't he say whatever he want's to say right here?

"Unfortunately I need to leave, I'm looking for someone"

"Who? Your boyfriend" He said sounding disappointed?

"Yes. My boyfriend" I lied, it could've been true if only Jungkook was at this party though.

"Dang....and here I thought I had a shot" he face palmed his face and I could say he was disappointed. I don't think this guy is a jerk or something I mean he's cute though, but sorry I have high standards.

"Well...I should go" I fake smiled. He nodded his head.

"Sure, see you around"

I went took off looking for a quite place and maybe get something to drink. Probably not alcohol just water or some juice. Caden's house is so huge but minutes later I went to the kitchen and took out the water bottle inside the fridge. I signed and gave myself a tour around the house and ended up in someone's bedroom. You are not a perv now, are you? I rolled my eyes as a form of response to my crazy brain. His bedroom walls are in a dark grey shade compared to my messy room that is full of K-pop stuff. His bedroom is super clean, it look cozy but dull not a lot of things are here. Just a king sized bed in the middle of the room, a huge closet, a study table and a bookshelf?

Wow I never thought he was the book worm type. I guess I underestimated him. What's weird is that he used to make fun of me when I read books and called me a nerd for that, but he secretly reads too. Some of his books have dust, maybe he doesn't read all of them just a few. I spent my minutes reading a few of his books and was about to leave but was caught by something fascinating.

'Caden's diary?' I contemplated myself a lot of times whether to open and read it or just let it be. I think I shouldn't read it, I mean I wouldn't want people to read nor know my secrets so why should I stuff my nose inside someone's secrets? I know Caden is such a teaser and evil but this is deadly don't you think?. I was about to put the diary down I heard footsteps. Ohh noo! I quickly hide in his closet, bad idea reason being it had a glass door slide and so I bet he would easily see me but that can be prevented if I cover myself with his clothes.

The door opened and I saw Caden and some sexy looking girl. I guess you can tell what they were doing right? They were making out, in front of me!!! Well they don't know I'm here but still. What if someone or worse Caden's mother walk in on them? Why did I feel a sting in my chest. I despite him, he was nothing but was mean to me my whole childhood. So why? Why is my chest feeling so heavy all of a sudden.... It's so suffocating. I can hardly breath in here, am I having a heart attack?. No, I'm not jealous am I? I think it's all this clothes suffocating me or maybe I'm claustrophobic. As I'm trying to contain my breathing, they stopped doing whatever yikes they were doing.

"Why are you stopping?" The girls asked, pissed!

"I need a smoke" Caden said, taking his cigarettes pack and making his way out. The girl followed him out. Phew! I should probably get out quickly so that I can breath properly.

"You just can't stay away from me can you Luna?" I froze as soon as I heard Caden's raspy voice. He was leaning on the doorframe, I thought he left.

"W-what are you talking about? I wasn't here because of you!" he chuckled and took steps inside the room.

"You're hiding in my closet, in my bedroom" how the freaking heck did he know. That leaves me with the thought that he saw me hiding and lied that he wanted to smoke only to lead the girl out the room.

"Well it's....complicated" Chills run down my spine and my stomach tied into a knot as he looked me up and down. Carefully examining my petite body and that really much made me uncomfortable.

"You haven't changed in the slightest" he smirked and looked me up and down, AGAIN! Well I don't know if he sees that I cut my hair and changed it back into it's natural color.

"I thought you-"

"What that I forgot about you?" he interrupted raising his eyebrows "little crybaby Looney? We had so much fun in the past, how could I forget about you?" He clearly haven't forgotten about me nor did he forget that sick nickname he gave me. Looney! I despite that name, but I couldn't tell him that.

"You mean you had your fun" I said feeling all that anger erupting like a volcano.

"However you wanna see it, Looney" He really is a dweeb isn't he? So much that I wish someone could come at this moment so that I can run fast and get out of his face. It's making me sick.

"Don't call me that!" He did his signature smirk and took a few steps forward as I took some backwards until i hit the wall, he pinned me to the wall. His face was a few inches from mine, one silly mistake can lead to us kissing. I envy this scene in kdramas when the poor innocent girl is pinned on the wall by this handsome bad boy as he puts his arms on either side of her face, but at this moment I wanted to get swallowed by the wall cause this is not what I imagined, not with him!!!

"You know what? I'll call you whatever I wanna call you" he moved his face on the side of my face. "And I can't wait to have fun with you again, like in good old times" I felt his hot breath and I literally got goosebumps. I looked down, tears stinging me at the bream of my eyes. He grabs my face making me look up at him.

"I missed you Looney" I mentally prayed so much that my tears wouldn't come but guess what?they came rolling off on my face one by one. I pushed him hard and managed to run from this horrifying moment. I bumped into Claire but I didn't want her to see me crying and so I didn't look back when she called me. When I got home I got under covers and cried myself to sleep.

My life's total mess has just begun.

Sending huge hugs & kisses🫂😘, don't forget to vote and share you thoughts.

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