C h a p t e r 5

19 1 2

As I walked inside my first morning class which is maths, something pulled me like a magnet to look at my right. I turned and instantly my eyes locked at a familiar pair of chocolate-brown eyes at a distance.

It was Claire. I stopped breathing for a moment when my mind replayed the kissing scene I witnessed last night. When I saw her and Caden kissing last night I didn't even waste anymore time as I closed my curtains. A lot of questions were clouding my mind and I still need answers.

"Luna!" She said, her eyes lit up when she saw me walking towards her desk. I took a seat next to her and she looked at me as if I was some famous celebrity.

"Hey" I smiled weirdly. I don't know if I should be angry at her or what, but it's no use. She could kiss anyone she likes. She got up from her seat and indulged me into a warm hug, although I was shocked at the sudden excitement but I hugged her back and shared in her happiness.

"Omg, I missed you so much" she said moving away from me and back to her seat "so anything happened while I was gone?"

I smiled and shook my head " I missed you too, and no nothing exciting happened" I bit my inner cheek knowing that sooner or later she's going to find out about mine and Caden's rumor. I was trying so hard not to think about her and Caden kissing but it was not vail. I'm a bit mad, which I shouldn't be because Claire doesn't know that I hate Caden and Caden doesn't know that Claire is my friend. Although he wouldn't care even if he knew.

To free your mind from exploding why don't you ask her about her and Caden's relationship?

I can't just ask her. She doesn't know that Caden is my neighbor and it would be suspicious if I ask about the kiss knowing that they were both alone in the room and how did I know!

"Sure" she said interrupting my thoughts "I want to introduce you to the rest of my friends and I'm certainly sure you will love Tash"

I chuckled "I hope I do" I'm not ready to meet her friends and I thought she was a loner just like me.

The bell ring and the lesson started. I'm so happy that Claire is in all my classes and I'm also pissed that Caden is in half of my classes. The rest of the classes went well and not for the fact that I was in the same group with Sydney, but at least I have Claire.

The cafeteria was flooded with students and the only thing you could hear was people chatting with their friends. I was scared for the fact that Claire was going to introduce me to her friends, what if they don't like me?. There's a possibility that Caden is going to see me with Claire and that will only give him a chance to poison her mind so that she can turn into his little devil. What if Claire is just using me to satisfy Caden's arrogant self? Many what if's clouded my mind.

"Luna!" Claire said, shaking me.

"Erm" I cleared my throat and blink several times to come back to reality.

"Are you ok?" Worry was written all over her face.

"Yea I'm ok" I beamed at her. She smiled softly and held my hand in hers as we made our way to a table in the back of the cafeteria. The table was occupied by two people who were sitting in different positions. The guy who had blonde hair was sitting with his legs on his chest while smiling on his phone. The other one who's a girl with black straight hair with blue roots was sitting with her legs crossed on top of the table, she was also on her phone. They didn't even notice our presence. Claire cleared her throat and they jumped from their seats and eyed us with surprise.

"So guys, this is Luna" she said introducing me as if I was a Lamborghini "and Luna this is Natasha and London" she said pointing to them. I waved at them weirdly and they both eyed me with blank expressions. London looks familiar but I can't put a finger on where I have seen him. He had dusty brown eyes and freckles just like me. I smiled knowing that we have similar features. Natasha looks hot and I'm amused to why she doesn't have boobs.

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