C h a p t e r 2

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Please God no! I was sending silent prayers, wishing for this to be another one of my frequently nightmares. Let's hope my subconscious was playing tricks on me, or..this wasn't even the Caden I know. Caden is a common name, he could be any Caden. The feeling I had seconds ago was just playing tricks on me, right?

"Mr Valtori!" Mr Brown said raising his thick eyebrows and folding his arms. "I think it's the last time I tell you to stop coming late to my class, unless you want to be expelled"

Mr Valtori? There was no doubt, the boy sitting next to me was indeed my childhood bully. I wish the ground would open and swallow me up. He's changed, his hair was different, his jawline is more sharp, his shoulders appeared to be a lot wider. Caden in general looked a lot bigger than the last time I saw him and that is 3 years ago. He is quite good looking, I gotta admit that. His blue ice cold eyes remained the same, well of course they would. Caden never had the childish innocence gleaming in his eyes like everybody else did. He appeared more grown up, like he wasn't one of us. Back then when we made eye contact it was like he knew exactly how to hurt me, how to win against me without even trying. Strangely it had always been me. I was his only target. Looking around the class I can tell that everybody adored him.

Ok Luna you got this. Just avoid eye contact, and under no circumstances are you looking into his eyes. He doesn't even know you are here, he only saw you from behind so everything is under control

"Miss Valente would you please answer my question" Oh no!.I guess today is really not my day. How do I answer this? I didn't even hear the question.

"The answer is....two?" I said, more like questioned.

"Two? This is English, not maths miss"

"Um...I don't know"

"But you should know, this is last year's material" Mr Brown said. Trust me when I say I'm not that stupid, I just didn't hear the question.

"Caden can you answer for her?" The whole class kept quite and all eyes were focused on him.

"1597" he answered smugly while folding his arms. I almost forgot that he was one of the top learners during middle school and I can tell that he still is.

"Correct" the teacher announced, followed by claps more like victory claps from 'the ladies' I rolled my eyes, another thing that didn't change. Caden was still as sharp as ever. Ohh I just realized that he didn't make fun of me for not knowing the answer, Maybe he's different now, maybe he finally grew up.

"Caden maybe you can help out Miss Valente with our course material"

"I'm sorry Mr Brown but I don't like wasting my time educating stupid people" he said emotionless, and I think I saw a glimpse of him side eyeing me. I gotta correct myself, nothing's changed. He was still the same old Caden, Same old evil Caden. He was still cold,popular and looked the way he looked. Just taller with wider shoulders.

I made a victory dance inside my head once I heard the bell ring signaling the end of class. I packed my books quickly before this evil boy would say anything to me or do anything to me. I took off with a bunch of students hoping they going to the cafeteria since well I didn't know where it was. The cafeteria was so packed and everybody else was already with their group. I wonder where Caden belongs, probably with the hot bad boy's group.

After collecting a few of some terrible food I made my way to the football bleachers. I had second thoughts when I saw this big tree that not even a single soul was lingering besides it. I went there and took out my comic book that I'm totally obsessed with, THE NIGHT WATCH it's a horror comic book that not a lot of people know I like. I don't like mentioning to people that I like comic books reason being a certain someone had made it his mission to make fun of that hobby of mine. He called me a nerd for liking it, I guess it's kinda nerdy. I signed and took a big bite of my apple.

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