Meet Charlie Mysak

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Charlie's pov

Painting, drawing, sculpting and so much more are things we do in arts and man do I love it.

It's a shame we only have two classes per week but it's better than nothing. Most students are delighted with that but I'm not, I love art classes, not just because we get to do what we want or because of Ms. Lessings, no it's because I love creating art and I'm good at it too.

I'm really good at drawing and I know it but painting too. I'm the best in my class and I can't do the best art projects. Oh, and Ms. Lessings love me. I really love Ms. Lessings, she's so nice to me.

Most people hide their talent but I don't, ok I used to but when I was a freshman last year, Ms Lesssing realized my talent and now she praises me etc.

I'm the best in the entire school as she likes to say all proudly, well, she says that but I don't really care really.

I'm just a nobody, a guy in his sophomore year with stupid braces who just so happens to be good in arts.

People think otherwise and seem to know me even if I don't want to be known. I don't want to be in the spotlight but how can I when Ms Lessing always praises me in front of everyone and showcases my work?  Yeah...there's that but people don't really care about me, they are just jealous that I always get the best grades, A+ while they suck and earn an F.

Wait...I can't say all that and not say who I am.  Well...I don't think my name holds prestige but I'm Charlie Mysak who just so happens to be good in arts. Yeah, I say that but I dream big and I know it.

There's one thing I dream about the most or should I say someone? Yes...someone...Call me cliché but I have the biggest crush on our school's basketball captain Maverick Campbell.

Yeah...I look at him and dream of him but from afar. I've never dared to approach him. What good would it do? I'm just a guy and he's the best player and...he has a girlfriend, Maykala.

I don't like her a lot but of course, he had to go for her...she's the top cheerleader at our school, the perfect girl. Obviously, a jock like him would settle for her.

Even if I know I have no hopes, I always daydream about him anyways.

He has beautiful chestnut brown hair always with his favourite orange bandana, heartwarming brown eyes and no he's not black unlike most basketball players, it's rare.
Regardless, it's his physique that's the best.

He's so...charming and hot...He has broad shoulders, muscled arms and legs too but it's his chest...I'm sure he has a six-pack but for some reason, he never shows his torso or six-pack. All guys after the game do but he doesn't.

Lastly, he's tall even if he turned 15 only last December. He's probably not at his full height.
He's standing at a solid 5.11 and he's still growing taller, perfect for a basketball player.

Yesterday, I took a big step. I want to
our school's basketball game for the first time.

He's even better at playing! Through, something happened yesterday that I was not expecting, we made eye contact twice! Twice! I even bumped into him.

Regardless, even if I seem really gay, I'm not, I like guys but not just guys. I can fall in love with everyone, regardless of gender. So, this makes me pansexual.

How do I know? I always knew I could have crushes on girls but last year I actually had a crush on my friend, Kilian. They are non-binary. That's when I knew I wasn't just bisexual. Through, my crush on Kilian is long over. Besides, they are unavailable in love. It's a lost cause.

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