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*For those that don't remember, Aason this is the official ship name that I give Mason and Abigail in All character's love development. You are free to use this one or another one. Yes, this chapter is about them. Enjoy!*

Mason's pov

Final exam revision is the worse and that's the first thing the teachers decided to start with today on this lovely Monday. Yeah, no more new stuff, just revision.

This makes me realize that final exams are coming faster than I thought and so is summer break.

In 2 weeks, it'll be the final exams and on Friday, June 9th I'll be the final day of school with Rochester Day.

Though, it won't be true because we'll have a school trip on that weekend.

Yeah, the school trip. It feels like it's been forgotten. It makes sense that it'd be forgotten because it's our biggest end-of-the-school-year trip. We never do those kinds of things except at the end of the school year.

Actually, we aren't the only ones. Freshmen and Juniors also have their own school trips. How can the school afford that? I've got no clue, it's maybe because we do next to nothing during the school year.

Seniors don't have one as they already have their graduation ceremony and prom. The school is bound to be short on money.

Freshmen go on a short trip that lasts a day. I've got no clue where it is this year. As Sophomores, we get to go to the biggest city in our state and sleep a night there. It's so cool and I can't wait.

The Juniors get to leave the state, they either go to the state on our north or our south. They stay 2 days as further away. This year, I have no clue either.

As for us, we go to the biggest city and we get to see important monuments and buildings.

I also mentioned that we sleep a night there. Yeah, all sophomores and teachers of our grade that are coming, sleep in a reserved hotel.

Now here comes the rules. We obviously can't bring alcohol or do parties but we all know we'll break the rule.

Boys and girls can't share a room. It's four girls together per room and the same for boys.

We get to choose but they haven't asked yet and honestly, I have no clue who I'll be with. I wouldn't mind William but things are complicated right now. As for the other two boys, I have no clue. I guess we'll see.

Anyways, enough about the school trip, that's still a few weeks away while my dilemma is right now.

Yeah, after William surprisingly kissed me, there hasn't been more. He said it was a mistake and I had to accept that. Though, I'm slowly gaining his trust again. The last time I talked to him, he didn't freak out. That is an improvement but it's still disappointing.

He gave me false hopes and now he hasn't tried anything else but I'm starting to think he's giving me a chance.

I still like William but I can't tell if he does too. I don't think he's ready for that. He went back to before we started dating.

I don't know if we'll ever be a thing again but I fear not but after that kiss, it only brings more questions.

Regardless, William isn't the only one caught in my dilemma, there's also Abigail.

Ugh, things are so complicated with her too. Since what happened and that word got out on social media, nothing happened between us. Even worse, we've never actually discussed what happened that night or what's going on between us.

Instead, we've been in this play pretend. We pretend nothing happened even if it's obvious that something happened, even the whole school kept reminding us that at first.

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