Meet Olivia McClain

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Olivia's pov

Despite the hardships in my life, I always arrive at school with a smile on my face.

Some people like it others don't understand. They think I suffer but I don't really, I'm fine, I've dealt with it for years already, I'm used to it.

Why should I arrive at school with a down mood because of my condition? I should be proud of myself and never stop believing in myself.

People think I'm crazy to pretend I'm living a normal life while I can't but it's not like I asked to be that way either.

It won't be an accident from the past that will stop me from doing what I want, my dreams.

Of course, there are things I can't do even if I wish I could but it's fine, just the fact I bring positivity every day and am happy with my two best friends is the best I can ask for.

It's no surprise to say I'm Olivia McClain, the wheelchair girl.

Everyone sees me as such but luckily it's been so long since it happened that they no longer bullied, they just understand now. The most ignorant people and bullies just ignore me nowadays.

The whole school of Rochester High is used to it, in fact when I first started last year, they tried to make the best welcome possible and that things could work for me.

One thing people don't know is that Rochester High has a secret elevator, an elevator in case such cases happened. No one knows except the school's staff, the principal, my two best friends and me of course.

Even if it's that, the school board tried to make sure that almost all my classes are downstairs. If they aren't, they pity me and I take the elevator.

I like that they try to help me as much as possible but at the same time, it makes me feel worthless, useless like I can't do anything on my own.

I don't want my wheelchair to stop me from living, enjoying life and doing whatever I love doing.

I wasn't born that way through, it was a horrifying accident back in 5th grade that changed everything for me.

I hate thinking about that night but I do. My little brother had his Christmas talent show and it ended late so it was dark outside.

I remember that it was raining a lot. It was impossible to see outside but my dad still insisted that he drive, so he did.

As usual, my dad got in front, my mom in the passenger seat and my brother and I were in the back.

Everything was fine at first but it started getting really windy all of a sudden. I remember that a violent thunderstorm was in the forecast but we didn't expect that.

As my dad continued speeding a little bit, a bit scared of the dangerous weather, my mom started yelling at my dad to slow down but he didn't.

Then, all of a sudden a strong wind gust touched our car and my dad got so surprised that he lost the driving wheel and the car started losing control.

We were all screaming in fear, crying and my little brother was crying hysterically as the car started moving like crazy and falling off the road in the hysterical rain.

All of sudden we started going upside down and the car fliolef and all the windows broke. We were screaming and crying terrified and a bit in pain.

As the car fell I remember the car falling from the front and completely pushing my parents. They were crying out of breath as the front kept pushing on them.

The last thing my brother heard before they died despite our cries and screams of pain was they loved us and that we will be ok, then they stopped breathing.

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