Update on ships development final part

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No pov

While the first part focused on the first five ships, here is the develoment of the other ships.

Lane+Blake= #Bane

Unlike Parker's love fairytale, Lane doesn't have that.

Since being rejected for the second time, Lane realized that the only way to win Blake's heart is patience, yes patience is something she's not good with. Despite being embarrassed, she finally asked advice from Torrey and Parker. They told her simple things, get to know Blake, appreciate him for who he is and respect his alone time. Only time will help they both said. It seems all easy at first glance but those aren't things Lane is used to.

Since then, Lane and Blake never discussed what happened last time and despite it all Lane has been trying to do her best.

She thinks she's starting to find a way to get Bkake to trust her, it's dumb in her mind but she noticed that listening to Blake's ideas and engaging in his interest is the key to earning his trust.

At first, she found it hard because she wasn't that interested in his interest and they didn't have the same views or opinions on things but eventually, she realized how fun it is to talk with Blake about his crazy ideas and his interest.

So, she knows a lot more about Blake than the guy she first fell in love with. She finds him different and interesting. Thanks to that, she is slowly gaining Blake's trust and even earning a friend title.

Even if it's that, she finds it sad that there is no change in the romance department but for now, she only hopes Blake will start liking her even if it's not because of the fact she's on the Volleyball team.

Lastly, Lane is slowly truly getting along with Parker, Torrey and even Grace.

Speaking of them, what's going on with the girl in love and the newfound bisexual girl?

Torrey+Grace= #Gorrey

Unlike Lane and Blake, things have had an improvement for Torrey and Grace, no they aren't dating but they might as well, kiss, kiss fall in love.

Since having admitted she is bisexual, Grace has realized she was crushing on Torrey and learned to come to terms with it.

Since then, Torrey has been fully supportive of Grace's journey into bisexuality.

Nothing more than friendship actions would go on for a while and their crush on each was unknown to them but was very oblivious to the others in the group of friends.

It was a week ago, that a sleepover at Torrey's, while Torrey had just gotten out of the shower, Grace accidentally opened the door of the bathroom thinking no one was there. Since that day, the embarrassing incident has been stuck in their minds but they have decided to not do anything about it as they both think their crush isn't mutual.

Nonetheless, another friend group has their own complications in their love situations. All of them seemed incompatible. Even if it's not been long since we last heard of them, what's going on with the members of the final friend group?

William+Mason= #Milliam

Since the infamous surprising kiss between William and Mason, we know that Mason tried to explain the fact he's poly and that William didn't understand.

Two weeks later, William and Mason are far from the brief loving relationship they used to be in. Despite Mason's attempts to be more honest, apologize for his actions and gain back William's trust, William hasn't in him to fully forgive Mason. He has been too hurt in the past to get back into a relationship so soon and isn't sure he can still like Mason after what he did. Lastly, William finds it hard to understand Mason through his ex's polygamous love. So, for now, them getting them back together is not foreseen for the future.

What about Mason and Abigail, did it remain the same?

Mason+Abigail= #Aason

Unfortunately, Abigail hasn't changed her mind about doing anything with Mason.

Abigail's revelation was a shock to Mason but he has decided to keep it a secret since he knows the pregnancy would be terminated.

Indeed, the next day Abigail went all alone to the abortion clinic despite Mason asking to come with her. As planned, she had an abortion and since then she still hasn't found it in her to talk to Mason again or even tell her friends her secret.

So, it's good to say that right now nothing is going on between those two either.

Regardless, there is one in the friend group that surprisingly had development.

Bakri+Joshua= #Jakri

Since Joshua first accidentally gave in to Bakri's demand, he has been dropping off Bakri at his house and has also been hanging out at Bakri's since Bakri first asked.

Things have been really weird between them. Bakri continues demanding things more and more confidently and Joshau is more and more confused about why he keeps giving in to Bakri's demands.

Joshua is rapidly starting to like being with Bakri despite how weird he is but hasn't admitted it. He still tries to say he hates Bakri, making Bakri sad even if Bakri is starting to realize Joshua might be lying.

Regardless, there was one major revelation between those two. Bakri had a guitar in his living room and Joshua decided to play guitar for once. He ends up impressing Bakri and Bakri gets an idea from his friends, which he uses by making a deal with Joshua where they have to both sign up for the talent show. As usual, Joshua finds himself saying yes to such a request despite never having performed before.

Then a few days ago, Bakri fell while dancing and Joshua surprisingly rushed to his rescue, they both ended up falling and their lips connected. Bakri unaware of social cues, starts full messily kissing Joshua and unknown to Joshua he didn't push him away. That is until things get more heated, when to his horror Joshua realizes he has a boner and he then pushes innocent confused Bakri away.

After that, Joshua left Bakri's but after realizing he got hard while kissing a boy despite hating himself for it, he started unknowingly going on a journey to figure out his true romantic and sexual orientation.

So this leads us to Rochester Day.

Olivia = Single forever

As for Olivia, I guess we'll finally see her pov on Rochester day.

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