Alexis's sweet sixteen party first part

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No pov

As people started arriving at the beautifully well-decorated house, Alexis starts welcoming everyone.

To her luck, the first ones to arrive as she especially asked for it are Parker and Torrey.

"Hey! I'm glad you are here! Get in!" Alexis says cheerfully.

"Hmm, it's very well decorated indeed, it'll be fun tonight," Torrey says.

"What do you think Parker?" Alexis says hopefully.

"It's nice, I like it. It's well done."

"Thanks, now the others will arrive soon so

I'm sure the calm atmosphere will change soon."


It doesn't take long for other people to arrive. At first, Alexis greets the first ones but gives up once the party fills the space.

As the music starts and they start having fun, at the door, Maverick's gang starts arriving.

"Where's Alexis?" Emery asks as they get in.

"Ah, she's probably busy being celebrated," Maverick says.

"Probably, look at the number of people here, I don't why I decided to come," Killian says annoyed.

"Oh come on, don't say that Killian. It'll be fun. It's our president's sweet sixteen. Remember when we did yours?" Charlie says.

"Yeah, but it wasn't filled with random people like that."


The crew suddenly gets pushed by others opening the door.

"Move out!"

It's Lane that says that as she gets in alongside Blake. The popular looks at her.

"Lane Hopewell?" Makayla says confused.

"Yeah? That's me."

"That was harsh of you," Makayla says.

"Others are trying to get in you know?"

"Yeah, I agree with Lane there," Emery says and Makayla gives ups.

Lane gets in with Blake and gets in the crowd. They immediately go take drinks, non-alcoholic ones for now.

The popular crew moves out of the way as others arrive.

This time it's Dakota and Camilla. Dakota is dressed up in cool non-gendered clothes and Camilla is in her new dress, everyone looks at them. Camilla gets shy.

"Ok, stop looking at us. I know we are pretty but continue the party!" Dakota yells and they do just that.

Not long after, it's Mason that arrives with William. He told Grace to come a bit later.

"Hey...are you sure you want to do this?" Mason asks Will uncertain.

"Yes, I'm strong enough for this."


They go in the crowd.

Not long after it's Joshua that not so surprisingly arrives with the alcohol and gives it to everyone. Then, it's Ethan that arrives solo with hidden drugs for those that want it.

The first drama of the night happens right at this moment.

Mason and William had gotten in a quieter place together as they hugged each other softly far from the prying eyes.

Grace arrived at the same time and went to search for Mason, she searched everywhere and found him kissing softly William and couldn't believe her eyes.

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