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*For those that forgot this is the official ship name I gave to Makayla and Emery on all the character's love development. You are free to use this one or another one. Yes, this chapter is about them. Enjoy!*

Makayla's pov

Everything is just horrible, I'm so scared. Why did everything have to turn out that way? Why did I have to kiss Emery at the party, why did Maverick kiss Charlie? Everything is ruined!

We were hiding so well and now just because of one single drunken kiss, everything is ruined.

What was I thinking? Kissing Emery Blackwell? We were both too drunk. I would never dare to do that. I knew the consequences, I knew everyone would be aware of it especially when you're the golden girl...

Of course, that kiss went viral and not for the right reason. It was tagged everywhere that I was a cheater and that I was crazy for kissing a girl. People couldn't believe I kissed a girl and I think it was worse because rumours were circling that Emery had kissed a girl a few weeks before that night. That was definitely worse.

My reputation is pretty much ruined as everyone now thinks Maverick and I are both gay.

Ugh, if I could go back, I would've never kissed Emery even if I was tempted to.

As the whole social media kept going in a frenzy about that drama about me and Maverick, I would get hundreds of notifications every day.

Thank god that party was held on March 24th and it was Spring break the next week because I don't think I would've been able to go back to school, I mean no one would.

All I know is that lots of people hate me and are trying to destroy my reputation entirely.

It breaks my heart to see and read everything everyone has to say about me. No one wants to see me again apparently.

I knew coming out would be horrible but I didn't think it could be even worse.

Beforehand, my mom was already very controlling and forced me to continue being the perfect girl she wants me to be.

And my dad is still stuck in his old values.

This is exactly why I feared to come out, my mom.

My mom ever since she found out about what happened, she has been in...denial.

She doesn't want to accept that her perfect daughter was the one that did that.

She has become...extremely controlling. She is controlling, she is controlling, me...

She hasn't exactly grounded me but she now controls my phone and my contacts, she spies on me to make sure I do nothing wrong and I'm pretty sure she put a tracker on me.

She wants me to be perfect so badly that it's crazy. Through, she and I haven't had a direct talk about what I did, like I said, she's in denial. She's acting as if nothing happened but at the same time, the small things she did to me during Spring break say a lot.

I think she sees my drunk kiss at the party as a mistake and that I was only confused.

She only sees me as this perfect girl who's obviously the best and straight.

My mom wants me to pretend that nothing happened but I know it won't be possible.

Despite it all, I guess I have to go back to the life I had before that party but what everyone doesn't know is that life was already a life.

Maverick and I were already only in a fake relationship to prevent such a catastrophe from happening.

I was already talking to Emery as I wanted to get close to her despite knowing I could never do more.

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