All characters love development

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It was settled, there would be a party at Alexis's Jones house, her dad's house to be precise on Friday, March 24th for her sweet sixteen. Her birthday would be on a Sunday, March 26th but who would celebrate on a Sunday? Yeah, no one.

Alexis is thrilled about the event and decided to invite everyone like the good school president she is. She knew it was only because she wanted that night to be fun not because she liked having lots of people, especially strangers all at the same time in her house partying.

She wanted her sweet sixteen to be the best and made everything possible for it to be that.

Her dad had finally agreed to let her throw a party so she would use every chance she could get.

She would get the house fully decorated, even the pool her dad owned, organize the full thing to a tee and then have the best night ever.

The thing is, she knew it spelled trouble that the entire school could go to the party but she hasn't meant the entire school. She wants sophomores, aka 16 years olds. She knew it wouldn't be the case but didn't care as it was her party, the best party she could ever have.

She could have had a normal hang-out celebration but again she didn't have real friends. She knew everyone but wasn't friends with them. It's a bit ironic. Through, she had one person she wanted to impress, not just herself and other students, but no her new crush Parker.

Through, little did she know, she wasn't the only one with a new love interest in Rochester High, far from it. 19 other distinct sophomore teenagers would all go through different things and some new love interests.

It had only been 2 weeks but a lot has changed at Rochester High, even if it doesn't look like it. It makes sense it's all in the shadows.

Indeed, all those 19 teenagers would go to the party for different reasons. Most of them it's not because they like Alexis or even like it, far from it. They had their reasons but after all, they are teenagers, so it's not surprising they would go to the first party they could go to.

Seniors and Juniors did their own parties but never invited Sophomores as they considered them too young. Are they too young? Maybe depends on who's 16 and who's not 16. Most of them have yet to have had their sweet sixteen. It's still March.

Despite it all, all those other different sophomores would come to the party but how and with who?

As we got to get to know them, some of them started having new crushes, others old ones, some started exploring. Some not at all. They are all different.

Some of them started developing a relationship that we got to know and see from afar but where are they now? How much have things changed? Well, 2 weeks was enough to introduce 20 different characters with different sexualities or gender identities and showcase things they've gone through and go through daily.

Nonetheless, the was a total of 11 different love interests but some will die and some are new. Then, what are the true ships? Little did they know it would be 9 and it starts with Maverick and Charlie.

Maverick&Charlie= Caverick

What is going on those days with them? A lot has changed since they first met but at the same no.

As it seemed Maverick and Charlie did indeed go on to become friends. Maverick would talk to Charlie and even Killian. They would eat together as well.

Through, even if they both had a crush on each other, they never crossed that boundary, all because Maverick could never tell Charlie was gay.

Charlie thinks Maverick doesn't like him as he's straight in his mind and still dating perfect Makayla. Maverick never told the truth. It couldn't be far from the truth it's that.

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